New to Bonsai from NJ

Not a whole lot of bonsai going on right now in nj. Trees are deep under a layer of snow. My neighborhood looking frosty:


Up at my weekend house in PA, we had 30"


All my inside trees are faring ok. Ive lost a few, but others are handling everything well:


I did build a bigger light set up so I grow my vegetables as well. This is now an 8ft light set up. Total cost: $100.


It should give me enough room to grow vegetables and tropicals!!
I was concerned about this little acacia loosing it's leaves, but as soon as I brought it up into the warmer part of the house it really started to grow!

Yes, I have a second one under my basement lights which is doing fine, but this one was being stubborn so I shifted it to my warmer desk area. It's possible it was going to leaf out if I left it downstairs, but I figured I would give it a shot. I might do the same with another one or two trees not doing much in the basement.
I am keeping an eye on the weather... 10 Day forecast says daytime temps will consistently be above 40degrees starting soon... I'd like to start getting trees repotted and onto the desk for the daily sunshine... looks like a few weeks of the morning shuffle will be starting soon.
A few pitch pines 2 yrs from seed. These things go bronze like crazy during the winter?? They look totally healthy in person but the coloring in the photos is a bit more yellow. Dont know why.


My tsuga looks good. Lots of possible points to prune back to, so ill be doing a cut back on this.
Buds are swelling by me... that means they done BEEN swelling by you guys (I think). 🤣

My trees are all still frozen to the ground, or else I’d be “revvin’ those engines, also.
Yeah for my maples they just started swelling . Gonna wait 15 days
Your gonna start repotting ?

I started repotting some trees which I knew fared well with early repots last year. I repotted a Linden, a Red Maple, and I repotted an Eastern Red Cedar today. I had to order some training pots for a few trees so when those come, I'll be repotting my Alder, Korean Hornbeam pair, and the Boxelder...

Links to the repots below:

Nice day today, so I built a bunch of grow boxes with spare wood I had. Planning on getting some of the trees into these. They are all 3-1/2" Tall with various sizes. I built one large one for a forest planting I want to work on this year with red maples and ginko trees. I think the mixture of red leaves and yellow leaves will be really nice in the fall.

Trees are out on the benches... looks like smooth sailing ahead for next couple weeks.


Threw a bunch of seedlings together into a mixed forest. Includes red maple, crabapple, ginkgo, and a pitch pine on the edge:


Will let it grow unrestrained this year. I need to fill the soil more. Ran out the other day.

I also repotted this larch I started from seed I collected in PA. Its starting to flush out. Looks very healthy!

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