Building the 5g reservior for easier watering in the basement since I do not have a sink near my plants...
5g bucket...

Marked location of the drain valve... using a 1/2" washing machine valve due to long stem and 1/2" faucet washers to sandwich the bucket and create a bulkhead.

Sizing the drill bit...

The closest hole bit I had. A 7/8" would have been better but this worked.

The faucet washers are not made for water-tightness so I built up a bit of teflon on the threads and am using two appropriately sized o-rings to create the water tight bulkhead.

Testing once the valve is in. Had a sligh leak but once I really tightened everything up, we were watertight. Valve opened and the reservoir drains. I added an attachment to the valve for neater water dispersal/attachment options.

Next I cut the humidifier 1/4 poly line and added a press tee.

5g bucket...

Marked location of the drain valve... using a 1/2" washing machine valve due to long stem and 1/2" faucet washers to sandwich the bucket and create a bulkhead.

Sizing the drill bit...

The closest hole bit I had. A 7/8" would have been better but this worked.

The faucet washers are not made for water-tightness so I built up a bit of teflon on the threads and am using two appropriately sized o-rings to create the water tight bulkhead.

Testing once the valve is in. Had a sligh leak but once I really tightened everything up, we were watertight. Valve opened and the reservoir drains. I added an attachment to the valve for neater water dispersal/attachment options.

Next I cut the humidifier 1/4 poly line and added a press tee.