New small shohin Chinese elm I got. Most likely will air layer or chop around the lower bend come spring. It’s about 8-9” tall currently. 1” thick at the first branch.
not sure about the ground layer, I’ll take a deeper look at the nebari come spring. Tree looks like it can be lifted quite a bitYup. Definitely go for an air layer for the top bit. Have you thought about ground layering to create a nice nebari?
Are you allowed to hang pots over the balcony, whats below? My balcony overlooks a communal garden, only for the residents, which nobody uses, I have overhanging troughs in which I fill with soil and sit pots in, its a nice eco climate, since the troughs have water resevoirs in the bases, which provides extra humidity around the trees. Ive often had trees root into the soil in the troughs,Finally looked at the roots. My god it was monster base underneath the surface, just changed the potting angle to feature the base. Forgot to take pictures when I took it out of the little pot it was in. 3-3.5inch base though. Moved it to a more shallow/ wider pot.
Plan to chop along that straight segment soon and pick a new leader.
It’s a drive way/alley where all the cars into my building come in/out. Not sure if I’m allowed to have anything hanging over, might be a liability if it fell on someone lol. The bars are far enough over where I can fit about a 3.5-4” deep/ wide pot with a smaller tree. Sometimes the bars get in the way of the branches, then I just move the tree to my bench lol.Are you allowed to hang pots over the balcony, whats below? My balcony overlooks a communal garden, only for the residents, which nobody uses, I have overhanging troughs in which I fill with soil and sit pots in, its a nice eco climate, since the troughs have water resevoirs in the bases, which provides extra humidity around the trees. Ive often had trees root into the soil in the troughs,
Ah yes thats maybe not a good idea for you, but at least you can just about fit a few on the edge.It’s a drive way/alley where all the cars into my building come in/out. Not sure if I’m allowed to have anything hanging over, might be a liability if it fell on someone lol. The bars are far enough over where I can fit about a 3.5-4” deep/ wide pot with a smaller tree. Sometimes the bars get in the way of the branches, then I just move the tree to my bench lol.
Yep! Hopefully in a couple years I’ll be in a condo or townhome with a small back yard. I’d settle for a private roof yard as well. Just lucky I’m on the top floor here or I probably couldn’t bonsai anything from lack of sun.Ah yes thats maybe not a good idea for you, but at least you can just about fit a few on the edge.