Scrog’s Carpinus Betulus


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Oakland, CA
Pretty excited about this tree. I remember seeing it a few months ago and was praying it was still available. I was able to make space for this tree because my friend graciously let me store some of my longer term projects on their property where they can take some time to grow.

One or two areas I’d like to thread graft some branches, and will shorten that long branch to begin a new leader.


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Buds were swelling on this one so I went ahead and cut about 40% of the root mass off the bottom. I did not bare root this, opted to keep a mix of the old soil + new soil as I transition it to smaller pots. Also did one thread graft which went pretty perfect for me, so hoping it will take.

Otherwise just figuring out the best front and where I want to chop the last long section, or if I should. Leaning towards the lowest chop as it would look good from 2-3 angles and seems to give the most natural taper.


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Nice tree. I'd probably do the chop at your one of your first two choices. That section is pretty long and straight. This could be a very nice tree someday.
Nice tree. I'd probably do the chop at your one of your first two choices. That section is pretty long and straight. This could be a very nice tree someday.
I feel like for once, I got some good material.
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Would now as buds are swelling/ ready to pop be an okay time to do a flat chop above the red line? Or should I wait for growth then chop once hardened off.
last week or the week before would of been fine. today is just as good, or next week or the week after or summer or winter or never or this minute😊

Its not a maple, hornbeams arent fussy.
last week or the week before would of been fine. today is just as good, or next week or the week after or summer or winter or never or this minute😊

It’s not a maple, hornbeams arent fussy.
Hey Bobby! Thanks for the reply, I know you have a ton of experience with these in particular. Is a straight chop still recommended first before doing the sloping chop? Or can I cut pretty flush with that red line?
I never do a straight cut first even on maples, I chop once, if I fuck it up I chop again somewhere else.
You can see chops ive done over the years on various trees at various times and you can see the results also. theres a beech I did in Jan. one chop, slanted, flush , simple.
Here’s 6 views post chop. The other clay on the trunk is from removing previous stumps and making them a little more flush with the trunk.

Kinda digging what I originally thought would be the back side (where the big hole is on the left/ new leader going right). Think this will be a pretty decent looking tree all the way around.

I just need to figure out which of these branches I’m going to keep.


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New leader has grown really fast on this. Would now be about the time to chop this one? Or should I give it a little more thickness? Never quite sure what the right size is to chop new leaders at for taper/future taper.


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