Imperial Masterpiece
Moved it a meter, it's catching rays.
Sorry for the lens flare.
It seems to have escaped death.
"Strength in junipers comes from the foliage."
So the scientist inside me made good use of this. To keep this tree alive and to basically revert dull and dying foliage to vivid green (with some dead tips, I'll acknowledge that!) I needed something to get it pumping. Things inside that plant weren't communicating, the balance was off.
Good thing I have a lot of synthetic hormones in stock.
After all the insults, it got a bi-daily auxin treatment.
6mg/L every single time. For ten days or so.
It's like brute forcing a firewall; keep pushing until it gives, and conifers don't give easily. Since the foliage wasn't entirely dead, it could still take up water. It just needed to start talking to the roots again.
Mission achieved.
Now it can finally start recovering.