
Deadwood Head
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The Communist State of Maryland
Can I get some criticism, hopefully constructive, on my yew? I bought it in a 3 gallon bucket last spring. Trimmed it a little and put it in this large wood container. Plan on reducing its size and slowly working it until roots are coming out of the slats. Then start reducing the roots. IMAG1251.jpgIMAG1252.jpgIMAG1254.jpgIMAG1255.jpgIMAG1257.jpgIMAG1259.jpg
They sure ain't panty protecting wings!

Id get it in a colander. The colander is the tool to do the work for you.

It might not be the best material, but keeping it alive will serve yew're future endeavors well!

They sure ain't panty protecting wings!

Id get it in a colander. The colander is the tool to do the work for you.

It might not be the best material, but keeping it alive will serve yew're future endeavors well!

I figured putting it in the large container would give it room to put some thickness into it.
I figured putting it in the large container would give it room to put some thickness into it.

I cant argue that. Its alive yes!

Once you have good beginnings of nebari(surface roots) a colander will help get you fine feeders.

I dont think a conifer is going to give you any new thick root where you need it anyway, so id go right in a colander.

There is a happy medium pot size for growth.

I think the abundance of feeders from colander growth gives you girth- while a big pot may give you more flare at the base- running thick roots long.

A possible timeline being 3 years in there for flare- three in a colander for feeders and girth- then bonsai pot.


Yew needs moisture and do not produce big roots. No need for a colander in my opinion. Yew are slow to thicken. Better is to adjust the tree size. Hint, they do bud back on old wood.
Thank you.
Yes, this one is already pushing out a second set of buds. I pinched the tips out of the first flush when they reached about 3 inches long. It's responded well. Seems like a tough plant that can pretty much take whatever I throw at it.
I agree that it needs to be chased back more, to better match the size of the trunk.
It's getting there. I like it.
Chasing back and yews... Let it grow for 2 years so it is healthy, pinching is done only when the pads are established. There will be backbudding on the trunk. Cut back everything to the desired hight. Wait a year. Tada... ton's of branches to chose from.
Chasing back and yews... Let it grow for 2 years so it is healthy, pinching is done only when the pads are established. There will be backbudding on the trunk. Cut back everything to the desired hight. Wait a year. Tada... ton's of branches to chose from.
That is my plan now... I must say though, the early pinching gave me lots more new growth. All the ones I pinched were out on the ends.
I definitely want to wait now, at least 2 years, before I mess around with it again.
I like where it's heading.
Depends where you want back budding. Do you want it in the pad, or do you want to create new branching?
Depends where you want back budding. Do you want it in the pad, or do you want to create new branching?
A little bit of both I think, but mostly, "in the pads"... or what will be the pads one day. There are new buds in both places... I do want my main branches to thicken up a little more, so either way I'm not messing with it for a couple years.
And thank you.
Noticed the branches beginning to grow into the wire, or wire biting into the branch, however you wanna say...
So a few pics after I removed the wire.
All the light green growth in the last pic had extended to about 3-4 inches, and there are new buds all over.
This thing is a growing machine!
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I dug a yew in spring at my guys house.
I just plopped it back in the hole and recovered it... is still alive, and I gotta retrieve it tomoro.

The moon is the only thing I got Going for me.

Hopefully, dug twice is nice too!
And I can grow one with ya!
Well...besides the seedling which is doing well, but very uninteresting!

I dug a yew in spring at my guys house.
I just plopped it back in the hole and recovered it... is still alive, and I gotta retrieve it tomoro.

The moon is the only thing I got Going for me.

Hopefully, dug twice is nice too!
And I can grow one with ya!
Well...besides the seedling which is doing well, but very uninteresting!

Taxus has to be my favorite tree to play with so far.
Did you already start a thread on it?
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