Deadwood Head
Well, with the tree that I had in the tiny colander (it is actually a strainer from a commercial dish washer) I was watering it at least 2 times a day, and sometimes more....What do you consider drying out? How often did you have to water? How often do you water?
I don't really try to water on a schedule, though it ends up that way sometimes....
I try to look at the top of the soil, and if it looks dry, I'll move away some soil near the trunk, to see if it's dry about half an inch under the soil. And usually I can see if the bark is dry or wet, and I can see if the soil itself is damp or not....
The more I think about it, the more I think it's a bad comparison....that tree was a deciduous seedling....we're talking about larger, more established conifers....so maybe it is bad comparison...
Colander next time! I swear!