thanks Leo.Very nice. You have a very good critical eye. I can not see any flaws that you yourself have not identified already. This tree will be great. Nice work.
thanks Micci.Awesome work! I really dig how the roots came out, some good looking nebari you will have there in some yrs to come
Very Attractive !!
Is that akadama as nodules ?
If so, is that why you keep bare-rooting ?
On our side it responds to a simple repotting
and clip and grow.
Good Day
Thanks. I love the pot as well.What a perfectly stunning little tree! Clearly you have worked on it with lots of love. I like this last pot the best.
Great job!
Glad you like it. ThanksI have not seen this post yet. I like it. Nice work.
What a super little tree.
The branches have thickened incredibly in just a year -
seems like you have year round growing conditions?