I agree, very nice! The epoxy coating basically makes it a resin pot though, doesn’t it? If the OP wants a pot that looks like wood but is durable, I think this would be the way to do it. You could look into marine varnish if you want more of a wood finish, but it has to be redone occasionally and I’m not sure if it’s safe for the trees.
Thanks Arnold
Not really, but https://www.bonsainut.com/threads/cascade-wooden-grow-pot-for-training.32326/
post #28 on this thread has enough visual how to do it presented I think.
Once glued up with exterior wood glue, I also coated the vertical seams with a good bead of exterior wood glue.
I forget how I made the circular part on the bottom, probably with a 3/4" spade in the drill press
followed by a jig saw and a drum sanding kit in the drill press, dried and stained exterior and edges only.
As Frank points out the bottom piece is bevelled. Creates a recess underneath, and keeps the bottom streamline
having a hidden bottom, not pieced on, then feet added. It is still solid and never has been retouched since.