Woe is Me, Old Man Winter - 1, John - Zero

Nice save, quite a warning though. It is easy to get busy and miss things. Glad you were able to save some of it. Now make it better than it was.
Nice looking sumo you have there. Looks like the reverse taper is gone as well. Did you carve it out?? Didn’t just go away in its own and I believe your chop was above the reverse taper. Maybe it’s just hidden well 👍
Question is when will you start doing branch selection and get rid of the rest? Will you be wiring at that time for shape?

I will most likely reduce it in a couple of more months, usually one or two of the branches in each group will become dominate and I will pick one of those. I probably won't wire it until next year, the new stuff is kinda delicate. The larger more mature branches are a graft that I attempted to improve the roots on one side, it hasn't really worked out above the soil, it seems that nerifloria doesn't like to fuse as well as other ficus do. I haven't decided what to do with the branches yet.
Nice looking sumo you have there. Looks like the reverse taper is gone as well. Did you carve it out?? Didn’t just go away in its own and I believe your chop was above the reverse taper. Maybe it’s just hidden well 👍

Most of it is gone, there is some that can be seen form various angles, but it does not bother me. I think most over think the taper issue. I did not cave it, I just filled the hole with epoxy putty and between growth and the closing of the hole it is really growing out of the "bad" taper issue. Also, some of the new growth will cause the trunk to swell in areas that will further improve the overall look.

I had a little time yesterday so I decided to thin out the new growth. It has really put a lot of growth the last month and a half:





I need to thin out these whorls of growth to just one main branch each:



I am always completely blown away by how fast these trees can grow. I just nine months, the new leader has increased enough to chop and all of the branches dramatically increased in girth. I chopped everything back and got it ready for the next phase of development.










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