Nope, I don't think you made it up. In fact this topic has come up
before. I just read the research myself, and feel that stating aluminum or copper wire is toxic to trees on a bonsai forum is a bit like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater.
Even the article you cited, and many that preceded it, admit that aluminum poisioning and the required "chain of events that finally affects plant growth remains largely speculative." The rest of the paper describes conditions that
must develop before
some plants will present slowed root growth...including very low pH, ionization, and even binding with other elements. So, your suggestion of dosing the tree with aluminum sulfate does nothing to prove your claim that aluminum itself is harmful or poisonous. Its like saying it should be safe to eat Sodium and Chlorine, since Sodium Chloride is safe. Chemistry doesn't work that way.
The research is a weak argument for our purposes, and in no way should we be concerned about using inert aluminum wire on our trees or in the soil.