if you think its about being cheap you are on the wrong path ... its not about saving money or even time ... I can unwire a tree faster than I bet you can cut the wire off... unwiring is zen and I personally learn a lot from it every time I do it ... it's interesting how good you get at knowing just how long a piece of wire is required for many branch configurations once you start unwiring ... I learned almost everything I know about effective wiring from removing wire from Daniel's trees ... I never once was given a "how to apply wire" lesson other than the obligatory "wire goes everywhere except where you don't need it" ...
every inch of wire on the
hornbeam in this thread will have the wire unwound from it... and not a single branch will be lost...
granted we don't try to do that with copper (which we just cut off when on a tree we acquire) except #16 or smaller .... only aluminum ....
the practice isn't for everyone... but I can tell you that you WILL get better at putting it on if learn to take it off ...
that being said... if you really love your wirecutters ... more power to ya