Darth Masiah
wahoo, i found a big one
so i plan on airlayering a piece off next spring or the next. i was thinking of a fat, semi formal, upright type style. this limb fit the bill, and was pretty corky, so I'll let the tree start healing the sacrifice branch chop before i collect. should've seen me up in that tree clearing the thorny vines out of my way 

there's my privet airlayer. my firethorn airlayer is down the fence line a little ways. my Korean managers like when i wonder around over here at work because i pick up any golf balls i see

wahoo, i found a big one

there's my privet airlayer. my firethorn airlayer is down the fence line a little ways. my Korean managers like when i wonder around over here at work because i pick up any golf balls i see