Nice Ulmus, Hart!
I'd definitely go wide next time you take this guy to the cobbler's. (I would) Start getting that base to visually balance at the bottom, the weight of the middle.
I think at it's current angle, your questions about the Apex are apt...
As It sits (displayed to us), now, in my opinion, the apex should "end up" a tad to the left of the trunk, IF you are keeping the "slant"-theme going.
We grew a few accidental windfall Ulmus Alata, this year .. and honestly, yours DO look a touch more like Cedar Elms. (Or should I say a touch LESS like Alata)
What do the leaves feel like when rubbed?
@rockm , how "rough" are cedar elm's leaves... I am just unfamiliar.
I DO know that American Elms and Winged Elm's leaves FEEL different, maybe we can use a similar contrast to nail this identification coffin shut.