Define "nice" and post some pics of them. ;-)
I've found that "nice" ERC when seen in photos or in person, tend to be well, "mediocre" is a polite way to describe them.
I've been doing bonsai for going on 30 years now. I've seen two or three ERC in that time that were notable, and even then, not really up to the quality of a good shimpaku or God Forbid, a western-collected conifer.
I live in an area where old ERC are present--they're sentinels at the Federicksburg National Civil War cemetery. Mt. Vernon, and any number of other Revolutionary/Civil war battlefields and sites. They CAN be picturesque trees, given 200 years to mellow and age. They don't do that in a bonsai container, unless you find one with a substantial short trunk that has been whacked and hacked by plows, bush hogs, bulldozers, axes, etc. over the decades. They're not common...