I started cuz I found the beginning and continue cause I haven't found the end.
You friggin' zen jackass, you. LOL
I like trees. I like plants in general, but trees are awesome. Couldn't keep me out of them as a kid, and it's not too hard to find an excuse to climb one now as I'm entering middle age. Can't keep me out of the woods now when I can muster enough of an excuse.
Like many others, I also find miniature things cool, except dogs. Miniature dogs are just awful, useless things. Go big or go home. But I dabbled in models as a kid, experimented with enclosed terrariums as much as I could manage with plastic wrap and coathangers before adolescence, was jealous of the train set my dad built with my big brother but not with me. I recall asking, though, "can you make the little model trees out of real live trees. Then there was Karate Kids and I got my answer as me and my little brother beat the crap out of each other trying to do those moves. Combine that with my zest for science class and my penchant for over analyzing and drawing connections, and I can't imagine why we don't have people farming on space stations yet.
I would bring home those little saplings they gave away on Arbor Day, and my dad would promptly mow it over while cutting the grass, quite intentionally. I'd say, "I want to grow things." He'd scoff. Put some pics of my first attempts at bonsai on our family text message thread because I was excited. He replied joking about how he would mow them down back in the day, to which I just responded, "yeah, and it pissed me off." I would ask my mom about joining her in the vegetable garden every year, and she say something about boys don't usually like to grow things. I was six and could still argue that boy farmers grow things all the time, and the Brits have a long tradition of growing flowers. She said, "but we're American." I guess good red-blooded American penis bearers don't grow stuff?
I probably would have grown up to be a forester if I'd had any encouragement at all.
My ex-wife got me one of those little mini bonsai kits, then knocked it out of the window and let it sit there on the floor drying out all day, and that was that for fifteen years.
Still have trouble convincing my wife now I can figure out anything at all about plants to this day.
So, long story short after a long story anyway, I like growing things, I like experimenting with things, and I like being in the woods. Bonsai fits into all of that. All I gotta do now is not kill all of them.