Anonymous User
Excellent thoughts and well spoken, welcome to the forum.
Excellent thoughts and well spoken, welcome to the forum.
I respect everyones point of view unless they are just trying to start an argument. Life is to short to be bothered with "trouble makers" or people that exist only to start drama and turmoil on a forum. If you dont have anything contructive to say then dont say it. I always stick to quality posts over quantity of posts.
I always stick to quality posts over quantity of posts.
This thread got me to thinking about who we are and whether I was contributing as much as I should. The result has been a renewed interest in sharing with this community. I found my voice insofar as styling is concerned, and that seems to have opened the floodgates of things to discuss.
I hope most of you can take these things in the spirit in which they are intended and open up a good deal of give and take.