Come on fellas!!!!!
Keep it civil!!!
Lets not have another thread that has to be edited for lack of content to the issue.
I also do not think it fair to Bnut to drag this site/forum down.
We all have the opportunity to work together to create a New Bonsai Site...
Can you fellas (and I mean each one of you and please don't make me NAME each of you) set aside past differences and show to the rest of the world that Americans are not the babarians that you all are acting!
Make a difference here or take your name off the members list and call it a day!
Keep it civil!!!
Lets not have another thread that has to be edited for lack of content to the issue.
I also do not think it fair to Bnut to drag this site/forum down.
We all have the opportunity to work together to create a New Bonsai Site...
Can you fellas (and I mean each one of you and please don't make me NAME each of you) set aside past differences and show to the rest of the world that Americans are not the babarians that you all are acting!
Make a difference here or take your name off the members list and call it a day!