Who are we?

Come on fellas!!!!!
Keep it civil!!!
Lets not have another thread that has to be edited for lack of content to the issue.
I also do not think it fair to Bnut to drag this site/forum down.
We all have the opportunity to work together to create a New Bonsai Site...
Can you fellas (and I mean each one of you and please don't make me NAME each of you) set aside past differences and show to the rest of the world that Americans are not the babarians that you all are acting!
Make a difference here or take your name off the members list and call it a day!
But but... HE started it!!
I come from the Rooster Cogburn school of social graces where according to him no one likes being called low down and foul smelling.

You can call me low down and foul smelling... just to be insulting to my trees! They are low down but, except when I put fish fertilizer on 'em, they don't smell like fowl... just fish.
With only 131 current members and only about 10 of them being regular posters and the main half of those 10 being fairly low skilled I think it is to early to form an opinion of this forum yet.

Wes - I resemble that statement. I'm one of the 131 (actually 117 but who's counting). I think I am also one of the regular posters. I think I am also one of the fairly low skilled you were referring to in the above quoted comment.

Go ahead, form an opinion. You can change it later if you would like as I won't hold that against you. None of us are carved in stone my friend. Neither are our trees or this ever changing forum. That's the beauty of life - change. It's also the beauty of our trees. Sometimes change is what they need. I remember an article in Bonsai Today where Kimura went back and restyled and old pine he had previously styled 10 or so years earlier. The resulting efforts were different that the original tree. Not better - nor worse. Different. Changed. The tree evolved over the years. So will this forum.

Have a great day man - life's too short.
You can change it later if you would like as I won't hold that against you. None of us are carved in stone my friend. Neither are our trees or this ever changing forum. That's the beauty of life - change. It's also the beauty of our trees. Sometimes change is what they need.

Bravo Graydon, nicely stated
Wow Wes with compliments like that who need criticism? As for myself I'll stand any of my trees up against any of yours, even the ones you have bought any time. That really was an uncalled for comment my friend and beneath you.


Reading this reply and the other from you Vance you are reading incorrectly into my comment. You, Walter, and Dale for example are the pinnacle here as far as actual tried and true SKILL goes but you already know this as I do . As far as the put up or shut up comment goes I like that, I too would rather be a "doer" than a "sports writer".
My problem is that if Wes thinks this is such a useless place to frequent why does he?

Vance, Graydon and others,

Ever get the feeling someone is putting words into your mouth(post) or assuming things that aren't true then jumping to irrational conclusions?

NOIT'SNOT seems to have understood perfectly what I said. The rest of this mess I am shocked to read and can not figure the reason behind the statements.
Ok let's all move along...

Before someone calls me low-skilled AND smelly :) I really don't mind having heated debates, but let's make sure they are about something worthwhile. Plus, I always consider myself low-skilled - it allows me to learn faster than when I think I know something :)

Peace! And post some bonsai photos so we can have more heated discussions about bar branches!
It has been 6 months since Bonsai Barry started this thread...

So who are we?

Hmmm, when this was first started we had a clean slate as to which direction we could go..... 6 months later it has become a bunch of bickering, sniveling, he said she said pointless crap..... Not to mention the pointless indepth debates that take up so much time just to try and figure out the definion of "pre-bonsai, etc" Who really cares if a nuresry tree can become a better bonsai than a collected tree???? You make the most with what you are given, have available or can afford, right? (Even though we all know yamadori wins this debate hands down!) :) (I have too many trees to prove all these examples of previous posts that yamadori is the way to go but I don't want to get caught up in the political crap)

There is way too much political BS here and not enough posting of trees..... Lovers Querrels (sorry Will and Chris I couldn't help it,lol) have become very old and childish....... people pushing thier chest's out to try and validate a never ending debate on something that is personal preference with no clear answer is a complete waste of time..... Maybe the validation is needed to justify ones own stock??? I dont know.

I was kinda hoping that the Nut would have been a more advanced place to come and learn about trees, develop skills and be a part of what is going to take American Bonsai to the next level. Instead it has gone in a different direction. When I first found out about this forum I emailed 50 people, all of who joined because I was excited about Greg's forum and the possibilities of what it could be.

No one really posts any trees, actuall trees to discuss and learn from. It is very sad it has turned political. I hold out hopes that one day soon we can get back on track and turn this into one of the premier sites around. It should be fairly simple since most everyone here is very experienced and for the most part has good trees.

Heck I will run out with the camera right now and get some trees to take photos of and post some trees!!! What a novel idea <enter sarcasm here>, LOL!!!!

With all that said, I visit here multiple times a day and pretty much have gone away from all the other forums. So Mr. Nut, great idea, good job and heres to the future!!

FWIW, Jason
I pretty much agree with your post, especially these thoughts.

I was kinda hoping that the Nut would have been a more advanced place to come and learn about trees, develop skills and be a part of what is going to take American Bonsai to the next level. Instead it has gone in a different direction.

No one really posts any trees, actuall trees to discuss and learn from. It is very sad it has turned political. I hold out hopes that one day soon we can get back on track and turn this into one of the premier sites around. It should be fairly simple since most everyone here is very experienced and for the most part has good trees.


I wouldn't even describe myself as very experienced....As for good trees, hmmmm.
I have a few trees that may be good someday and alot more that have some posibilities.

I have only one tree in a bonsai pot and the rest are in grow/training boxes or in the ground and though I've posted a couple of them, I haven't really wanted to show pictures of my trees until they were at least in bonsai pots.

I would like to see B'nut get more on track too.... So, I'll post some more trees to help get the ball rolling.

Jason, I agree.

I felt a bit intimidated when I first came here with some of you big boys, so I haven't posted many trees, but I tend to agree that it would be the best course of action for me and for others to do so. My trees tend to lie decidedly beneath "world class", but a bit up from SIAP, so hopefully I can learn from you all without boring the heck out of you, and hopefully add something as well to the overall liveliness of the forum, which at times has seemed rather slow and dull except for the bickering.

Will and Jay, good for you guys!! I posted a few trees today....

Will, you have some great trees and you shouldn't be ashamed to post them. You have good quality stock to say the least....

See Ya!
Jason, for the most part, I agree with you. The exception is on the threads you do not like that concern defining certain aspects of bonsai. There are some of us that like to participate in such discussions, maybe the reason there is no clear answer on some matters is that no clear answer was sought.

But that's neither here nor there, my point is that a forum is like television and all the threads are like channels...no one forces any body to read (watch) any thread (channel), if a person doesn't like what's on, they can turn the channel.

This is far more productive than sitting there screaming at the screen. ;)

I joined this forum because I believed it had a future.

I still do.

But that's neither here nor there, my point is that a forum is like television and all the threads are like channels...no one forces any body to read (watch) any thread (channel), if a person doesn't like what's on, they can turn the channel.

This is far more productive than sitting there screaming at the screen. ;)


Hey Will, I agree with your analogy 100%.... really I do. But when every channel is playing the same thing then it starts to get old. What was one of those post's, something like 6 or 8 pages of the same thing and no real new topics devoted to trees... that is all I was trying to get at and along the way I know I offended at least one person...

I guess I was trying to sway the forum back to trees vs. definitions of stages of trees and not really trying to step on anyones toes or hurt anyones feelings. I guess I just spoke my mind and said what I feel, no real harm in that ;)

See Ya
I guess I just spoke my mind and said what I feel, no real harm in that ;)

Unless you're me, lol.

I do agree that we need to stop playing pin the tail on the donkey and start actually dicussing bonsai and the aspects thereof.

I'm very new to bonsai. I am trying to gain as much knowledge as possible from talented, experienced bonsai folks.

I agree completely with JasonG. I do not like the definitions debates, American Style, Art versus Craft threads, etc. Pretty much EVERY bonsai forum has a Natural Style, or a American Style thread that seems to go on for 10 pages. I read them, and try to glean the details, but most of the time, I really am not all that interested.

The threads I enjoy the most, are usually pictures of a trees progress over time.

It seems like so many advanced people look at the world of bonsai thru the eyepeice of an electron microscope, trying to see the smallest details and particles.

For some, this ever-decreasing window or viewpoint, and the debates that follow, is the fun part.
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