What is Will Heath’s problem?

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I just had a pretty negative interaction with Will Heath, I’m super disappointed and shocked with his aggressive behavior. Don’t worry I gave it right back, and he seemed to put his tail between his legs. I’m only here to see if he is still relevant to the community and how I can make sure I’m not supporting him in any way. He gives the community a terrible name by listing his accomplishments while berating and trying to push his weight around like an internet tough guy. I’m sure he is very accomplished in the art of bonsai but he’s also a complete turd.
I just had a pretty negative interaction with Will Heath, I’m super disappointed and shocked with his aggressive behavior. Don’t worry I gave it right back, and he seemed to put his tail between his legs. I’m only here to see if he is still relevant to the community and how I can make sure I’m not supporting him in any way. He gives the community a terrible name by listing his accomplishments while berating and trying to push his weight around like an internet tough guy. I’m sure he is very accomplished in the art of bonsai but he’s also a complete turd.
Jeez - now there's a name I'd completely forgotten about, and rightly so. I don't think he was ever anybody...
I just had a pretty negative interaction with Will Heath, I’m super disappointed and shocked with his aggressive behavior. Don’t worry I gave it right back, and he seemed to put his tail between his legs. I’m only here to see if he is still relevant to the community and how I can make sure I’m not supporting him in any way. He gives the community a terrible name by listing his accomplishments while berating and trying to push his weight around like an internet tough guy. I’m sure he is very accomplished in the art of bonsai but he’s also a complete turd.
He was asinine over on Laurent Darrieux wall. I tagged him and told him he was making a fool of himself. The name...registered a bell from his being banned here.

He was comparing Cosmic design to Nick Lenz. Spamming photos of Nick's work. It was absolutely ludicrous. He however...never replied to my comment where I tagged him. Lol

But his behavior...didn't surprise me. I was curious how he would react to me tagging him. No response...
He was asinine over on Laurent Darrieux wall. I tagged him and told him he was making a fool of himself. The name...registered a bell from his being banned here.

He was comparing Cosmic design to Nick Lenz. Spamming photos of Nick's work. It was absolutely ludicrous. He however...never replied to my comment where I tagged him. Lol

But his behavior...didn't surprise me. I was curious how he would react to me tagging him. No response...
You mean to say that you weren’t able to straighten him out over the internet?😂😂😂

There was a heavy and vocal online presence from Michigan in the early days of online forums whose bonsai looked like every other isolated midwestern practitioner, and didn’t really seem to improve. Gregory Beach Bonsai came along and helped that scene, along with a few others…and then MI bonsai took a quantum leap forward with the arrival of @Dav4 and his beautiful collection.😉
You mean to say that you weren’t able to straighten him out over the internet?😂😂😂

There was a heavy and vocal online presence from Michigan in the early days of online forums whose bonsai looked like every other isolated midwestern practitioner, and didn’t really seem to improve. Gregory Beach Bonsai came along and helped that scene, along with a few others…and then MI bonsai took a quantum leap forward with the arrival of @Dav4 and his beautiful collection.😉
Nope... I was curious about poking him. I got nothing.
@Brian Van Fleet ... he come across as he values his own opinion. Lol honestly ... he went on and on spamming Nick Lenz work/photos. Telling Laurent he needed to build trees like Nick. That Laurent's structure was wrong. Lol it was absolutely hilarious...his opinion... truly he couldn't get past. It was absolutely hilarious to a degree. That he was actually showing how small minded he was.

I get Laurent isn't for everyone... I happen to love the trunks that has the scarification applied. That said ... not everyone's cuppa. But they don't tell a man... to copy another man's work. Lol come now...that was hilarious.
You mean to say that you weren’t able to straighten him out over the internet?😂😂😂

There was a heavy and vocal online presence from Michigan in the early days of online forums whose bonsai looked like every other isolated midwestern practitioner, and didn’t really seem to improve. Gregory Beach Bonsai came along and helped that scene, along with a few others…and then MI bonsai took a quantum leap forward with the arrival of @Dav4 and his beautiful collection.😉
I had forgotten about Will Heath until this thread popped up... and now I just remembered he was from MI 😳 . Those were the good old days for sure:p. I had always hoped to meet Vance Woods- a Will Heath apologist here iirc- but never got the chance, but not W.H, as he was just too much.. Fwiw, I've never seen W.H. at the All State show out in Grand Rapids or at any event sponsored by the Ann Arbor club, so if he's still doing bonsai in MI, it's definitely on the fringe.

... and thanks for the compliment Brian. I don't know how well deserved it is, but I appreciate it, particularly coming from you.
I’m only here to see if he is still relevant to the community and how I can make sure I’m not supporting him in any way.
I'd prefer not to discuss someone here personally when they can't defend themselves. Will used to be a member, and now he's not. I bear him no ill will and hope he is practicing and enjoying bonsai. And I think it is best if I close this thread.
I'd prefer not to discuss someone here personally when they can't defend themselves. Will used to be a member, and now he's not. I bear him no ill will and hope he is practicing and enjoying bonsai. And I think it is best if I close this thread.
Fair enough... it was the first time I came across him personally was on Facebook not long ago. But his name only registered from ones talking about him here. But he can't defend himself...and, that isn't right. You are welcome to remove my words. Because...he can't comment to my post. That isn't fair...
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