For seed germination, According to the Dirr and Heuser manual,
Trident Maple: 2-3 months cold stratification (sub 40 degrees F - there's a couple of ways to do this, but basically you want them a little bit moist and cold - fungus/mold is your enemy here).
Field Maple: 1 month warm, followed by 3-6 months cold stratification
Japanese Maple: Varies a bit depending on variety, but 3-5 months of cold stratification is recommended.
As far as growing the seedlings hard and fast, above posters have given some useful warnings regarding internode lengths and such, but I'll answer the question and you can choose your own adventure.
- Fertilize heavily (e.g. once a week rather than twice) once the seedlings are about 3-4 inches tall.
- Plant in the ground or in a pot with some (sifted) organic substrate as part of your mix. Something like 50% pine bark (or sifted peat) and 50% pumice
- Put some wire on them while they are young and flexible. Unless a bench full of telephone polls is what you seek.
- Collect or buy a tree with a 3+ inch trunk to work on while you wait five-ten years for the seedlings.