@Walter Pall thank you for calling me out on my ignorance on this method, which I freely admit. I apologize to you.
For those of you who are still confused about hedge pruning, I recommend going to Walter's own video and get it "straight from the horse's mouth."
In this video, Walter explains very clearly what his method is; which is indeed hedge pruning like the name sounds. He gives some caveats as to the health and stage of development of the tree, but he does indeed hedge prune. And it's not done for the sake of speed. It's done because it works well to ramify branches. I don't think anyone can dispute that Walter's trees are well ramified. An added bonus in this video is Walter explaining his "goat browsing" defoliation method, which is very informative.
Thank you Walter for explaining your methodology. It does indeed make the Japanese method tedious and burdensome.
I hope this will be the end of the confusion to everyone as it was for me.