A few busy days (or more to come this week) without time to post:
* Took all trees out of winter protection since we will have temperatures in the 60s and 70s all week with lows only around 40.
* Sifted pumice and akadama.
* Repotted a dwarf Hinoki.
* Pulled all of the 2 1/2 year old pine seedlings out of their pond baskets to sorrt out the roots, then returned them with the original soil to the same baskets [7 JRP and 4 JBP).
* Removed a yardadori red camelia from the colander where it's been for 2 years and potted it for the first time.
* Removed a crabapple from it's pond basket and potted it in a shallow terra cotta pot , aiming for a slant style like a fallen orchard tree.