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Technically not today but yesterday I was too beat to post..

Helped building up the third "Kreativ Fest", a combined show of the German bonsai schools.
Tables and backdrops were all setup for arrival of trees today when I left DUsseldorf last night.

Dismantled one of my raised beds that had totally disintegrated over 3 years and built a new bench in its place. I had dug up all of the trees that were planted in the bed in spring and either moved them to the raised bed next door or potted them up

(The concrete block on top of the bench is there temporarily to get the bow out of the wooden boards.)

Repotted the ficus burtt-davyi I got from Mehans Miniatures by mail late last fall. It was uppotted when I got it and it grew well, but started to get a lot of sporty and yellow leaves. Thought maybe it had too much organics in the mix, but roots looked very healthy, just too big for the pot. Changed the potting angle and raised it with exposed root semi cascade in mind... Put it in a vintage Fuji Japan pot I got at Good Will for a couple bucks.
Potted up this f. burtt-davyi root cutting leftover after repot. We'll see what happens.
Separated fukien tea air layer. Started it on 7/27, late. Checked it on 8/31 and there was one tiny root and good callus. Recut added some more Clonex. The top started to yellow. Checked it again today and decided to separate it. I think the trunk between the top and bottom cuts died. Cut back the layer and the main plant. This plant is from the big box clearance rack from two years back, was repotted twice, grew unchecked and was about 3' tall.
Fall is definitely here. Need to start thinking about getting the tropicals ready for their inside space.

Cleaned and scrubbed all the trays they sit in.
Just letting them dry before I bring them inside. I usually bring the tropicals in around October 15th.

Not an interesting picture but here is the picture tax

Did some thinning.
Someone on here (forget who ?) Looked at this pic and suggested removing some branches that hid the trunk.


I consulted @Shibui for his opinion. He has some very good comments on consults. Very comprehensive and appreciated.

Taking that into consideration, I did remove a couple older branches.
He and I agree that 2D pix aren't the best. So I took some pix today of the tree rotated in a few views.

They are still 2d but at least better than none at all. 🤔




Granted C doesn't look much thinner but that's 2D for ya.

This is what came off.

2 t.jpg

I think it has more promise. I'll pick a front at spring repot. :)
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I spray painted the water bucket in the basement because the white bucket was just translucent enough to grow algae this close to the grow shelf. This is where I dump my dehumidifier water or put water from my rainbarrel to water the basement plants. My tropicals will come into the basement for quarantine when temperatures start to drop.
I spray painted the water bucket in the basement because the white bucket was just translucent enough to grow algae this close to the grow shelf. This is where I dump my dehumidifier water or put water from my rainbarrel to water the basement plants. My tropicals will come into the basement for quarantine when temperatures start to drop.
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great idea using a 5g bucket... Gives me some ideas for my own set up... Need to find someone getting rid of a whole house humidifier.... Ill mount the float valve in a 5g bucket, add a tee to the water line, and youll have a refillable resevoir. I hate going upstairs to the sink to get water for the plants.

Thread tax: Emptied the trailer for now from recent collections/side work.

Planted a recent juniper I purchased "montana moss". Started as a cutting it seems and had a great root base to start other than one long girdling root which I removed. You can see the color difference from shimpaku:
I was banging around fixing up the greenhouse today for a couple of hours. When I finished I looked up and saw this - I assume it's either empty or they've gone dormant? Otherwise I should have been swarmed, I would think... seems like it's too warm for them to have holed up for winter or something.

I guess cover it in a bag and take it down?

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 4.58.47 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-09-21 at 4.58.52 PM.png
Cleaned the plant shelf, brought the jades in after a trim, and set the shelf back up.



Also, when there were some storms last winter, it exposed a bunch of clay at the beach. We collected a bucket full and dried it out.

Convinced my 4 year old to smash it up so we can get out some impurities before we reconstitute it to play with (wasn't hard to convince!).

Not sure what we'll do it with, maybe a low fire in the fire pit with some charcoal, just for fun.

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