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it's prime for you to pass on at the $1.99 auctions. You have a future in the business of bonsai.
My moral compass is too strong to sell a weakened tree over the internet. I'm already taking three trays of trees to the Milwaukee Bonsai Society meeting on Saturday to sell. I have a friend coming by later this week to give me some offers on trees.
Once it had some time to recover I am going to put a shari in it and let it grow wild. I just hate that pigtail twist in the trunk so I might have to tighten the upper part of it
If you don't like the corkscrew-shaped trunk, would you consider cutting back to one of the lower branches as the new leader? Once it's healthy, of course.
Took a walk in the low-lying area in my wader today. Sorry no pics - I kept my phone inside my wader to keep it dry. My hands were busy hanging on to my root slayer. I need to get my GoPro operational.
Trees were mostly either giant or tiny. The collectable medium trees were washed away in hurricane Laura in 2020.
Trees are ok but shade cloth is a total redo.
Lesson learned huh. Next time take down your shade cloth and use them to cover your trees. Make sure you put weight on all the edges.
Having a relaxing morning potting up a couple of air layers. Was wrapping up this zelcova.
Before and after cutback, was just to tall to support 20240711_102043.jpg20240711_102546.jpgwhen I went to throw a little mulch in the poti grabbed this little snake and startled myself, lol
I did a little more hand digging in a corner of the property that I’ve been gradually clearing. As I was digging out the remnants of an oriental bittersweet (that I had hacked back a month earlier), I noticed some new growth. Although I ended up carelessly knocking off the new shoots and had very few fine roots, I threw the girthy stump into a nursery can just to see if it would bounce back. 🤞
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and emergency repotted a green atlas cedar, that after trying everything else I'm out of ideas on.
I pruned my Zelkova today to allow light to get to the lower leaves as the canopy. It took me quite awhile to get through the tree, but I kept myself entertained with watching stand-up.

I only noticed how much time went by when I emerged from the garage to see the sun had already risen. (2:30am to 7:00am between pictures).

I mostly cut back the branches and twigs for basic directional pruning and removed some adventurous shoots growing in odd places. I left two new shoots un-cut to try and become the new leading branch on the younger portion of the tree. The large lower branch was lightly pruned to open it up and to continue healing the socket tear I put in with the wire months ago.


Now to sign off, grab a cup of tea, and get ready to go to sleep for the "night." Welcome to the life of a night owl bonsai.
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