Imperial Masterpiece
I bought a flat of of seedlings from @cmeg1 last year. Several I’ve been growing out as neagari style. After I got them home, I cut the bottoms from two 1/2 gallon nursery pots and taped them together. I filled a pond basket with bonsai soil and wired in the pots. Then I filled the 1/2 gallon bonsai pots with lava rock briquettes and bare-rooted @cmeg1 ’s seedlings, planting them on a thin layer of bonsai soil on top of the briquettes.
The grew great all year. But I like these to have a pretty radical bends in the trunk. So today is the day! Two trees, before and after.

The grew great all year. But I like these to have a pretty radical bends in the trunk. So today is the day! Two trees, before and after.