What are your plans with your CMBonsai trees?

I bought a flat of of seedlings from @cmeg1 last year. Several I’ve been growing out as neagari style. After I got them home, I cut the bottoms from two 1/2 gallon nursery pots and taped them together. I filled a pond basket with bonsai soil and wired in the pots. Then I filled the 1/2 gallon bonsai pots with lava rock briquettes and bare-rooted @cmeg1 ’s seedlings, planting them on a thin layer of bonsai soil on top of the briquettes.

The grew great all year. But I like these to have a pretty radical bends in the trunk. So today is the day! Two trees, before and after.

I'm thinking so... Should be easy enough!
As a bit of an experiment, and because I only had two more grow bags, I potted 2 of my elm clumps into a 70% organic (potting soil), 30% inorganic (perlite and sifted pine bark (I know bark is organic, I just mean bigger particles for aeration )) in grow bags, and 3 of them in pure bonsai soil and terracotta pots.
Other than that, same amount of sunlight, same fertilizer, same water source- only adjusting to watering needs per soil type, ie. Watering organic less often as it retains more moisture.


So far the grow bags are definitely showing more vigorous growth. I know it's obvious that with a larger pot = better growth but I'm surprised at the difference in a quick couple of months. It also goes to show-- to a certain degree, as it's not a true experiment with all things being equal except the soil type, that bonsai soil is better for refining roots, not growing out trunks.

Anyone else have any updates?
I planted a batch of Siberian Elms about a month ago. Waiting for the weather to get past the frost mark to move them outside...

Elm Forest 3-23-24.jpg
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