Something that is truly... sitting right on my heart. Plans for 2026 a yamadori Hawthorn pairing


Neagari Gal
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NE Ohio: zone 4 (USA) lake microclimate
Many know... We lost an amazing potter last year. Andy/ Stone Monkey...and I had discussed my placing a yamadori Hawthorn into his fence post pot. I'm fortunate enough to know Jared Carrion...who is a collector. He's letting one go that he would have kept for his personal collection...with an understanding the importance of this pairing to me. Screenshot_20250102_141020_Instagram.jpg

It won't be paired this year. The tree will wake in his climate before it's safe to ship. So he'll do another root look and cleanup for me on the piece. Before we ship it to me.


The Hawthorn...Messenger_creation_440DB009-D11F-414C-8D47-204ADFEB38B6.jpeg

I do see challenges there. In that cascading branch. I most likely will muck the top of the pot to a make it work. But a cascade into that pot...makes sense to me. may need the far right side banked bring that tree to a proper placement. But...I'll get it done.

I actually show more images here of the pot and tree...
Perhaps when you get the tree, you'll be able to lift it up enough not to be that close to the rim. Perhaps there are some roots you can expose, hmmm?
Perhaps when you get the tree, you'll be able to lift it up enough not to be that close to the rim. Perhaps there are some roots you can expose, hmmm?
Possibly... he's going to get a feel for it and repot it. Rework the roots for me. Currently the pot it cut to permit that cascading branch. That's not a deal breaker for me. It's not uncommon in the UK...for ones to not tweak that rootball...and even have it above the pot and mucked to a degree for a proper angle. That said... I leaped on this I think it's a good nod to material found in the UK as well. A proper pairing. I've planted a tree upside-down...this should be a walk in the park. 🙂 not stressing it. It will be therapeutic of pair it together with Andy's pot.

I'm not hung up on nice nebari. It can be fugly...and gnarly and as you say...some exposed possibly.
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