What are your favorite tree for bonsai?

My favorites right now are the Brazilian Rain Tree and the Premna. I've got a Fukien Tea that I'm enjoying and have just started on my first Bald Cypress. I haven't done anything with the Barbados Cherry or Grewia, just keeping them alive and studying them.
Eventually, I'll tackle a Juniper again.
If I could g
Half the time, if you know where to look, you can find them already "bonsai" worthy in rocky cracks on exposed bluffs near the top of the local peaks. :)
If I could get a response from the forestry I'd be scouting around, but they keep giving me the cold shoulder no matter what office I call or individual I call/email they refuse to help me obtain collection permits
It has somewhat changed through the course of my love for the hobby. now, mostly Conifers (spruce, pines) , and for deciduous, Oaks, & Maples.Although I have now filled my hose with a few Tropicals. A Ficus Retusa, 1-Sheflerra, and 1-Tamarind.

The best three that come to mind suitable for bonsai in my climate and based on my preference:

Acer buergerianum
Stewartia monadelpha
Fagus crenata

There, I narrowed it down a little bit!
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