Western Juniper

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I have this western Juniper that was collected about this time last year and is really growing well. I was gonna let it grow out this year and style next year, but was wanting to collect some ideas on styling.

I have some in mind, but wonder what the folks who like to do virtuals might come up with.


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Here are the other sides. The first side is what I’m thinking would be the front.


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This is it with the planting angle tilted up a little bit. Which I’m thinking I would probably do.


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Nice project! Not loving any of the angles in the images.

The lower area is too horizontal, tilting down on the right sort of improves one issue and creates another.

Wondering about bringing the right up, then over towards what is the back now. Then bringing foliage down and over… depending on what growth can be achieved.

In that vein would think hard about keeping the tree in the box at least too more years to grow out foliage…. and possibly do some bending at that point.

Seen too many people pull their trees out of grow boxes, just when the growth is beginning to pick up steam, ultimately cutting down potential options.

Just some thoughts.

DSD sends
Thanks for your reply. Yeah, I agree with you about working the tree and still keeping it in the box. That’s what my plan will be.

The tree is boxed up at the angle it was sitting at in the rock pocket, so I am unsure as to if I could tilt that side up or if that’s where the roots are.
It’s funny, because right after I posted the photos I tilted that side up and thought if I tilted it at a diagonal that might bring it away from horizontal like you’re saying.

That main branch is also super straight, but with Raffia, I think I could bend it. It doesn’t seem like there’s much visible deadwood on that branch at least.

Thanks for taking the time to look at it.
Hard to tell if this could work with the structure available, but here’s a rough idea:


Sweet tree!
Thanks! I’m pretty pumped on it. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking… swinging that main branch towards the base and compressing.
Please keep us updated with your decisions. The existing deadwood gives this tree some unique dimension right from the start. I would agree the right side might look better propped up at an angle instead of resting on the soil. Eager to see where this one goes as it seems to have potential.
I can see why you picked that front, but I prefer IMG_2170. The wood texture is less appealing but it has a more interesting shape and looks more like how a big tree would grow, to me.
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