Welcome visitors to the garden

I saw a hedgehog when watering my trees this morning. They seem to like the high weeds, insects and snails in my garden because I've seen at least one every year, from young ones to fat ones like this morning. I reven sometimes find the skeletton of those who died - not my fault ! I don't use pesticides.

I thought maybe that I would use the skull as an accent for a "mame", on a cushion of very fine sand with a succulent or a mini-cactus, but it's such a puzzle to find the right tooth for the right hole. I should have done it at the beginning of the lockdown...

It might seem a little "macabre" for some of you, but for me it would represent the resilience of nature, that life and death are part of a cycle. Of course, I don't have the talent of Nick Lenz, but he showed that this kind of things can be staged in a very artitic way.


Using bird's legs for instance and making it a king of "Godjira" could be fun too 😄

Well, next time I find a dead bird in my garden, I'll put it on an ant hill. Actually the ones in my garden don't make "hills" like those we can find in pine groves (these can be over a metre-3 feet high), they're very small and like to live inside and under big pots.

An alternative to burying or cremation ? That would be very clean, consume no fossil fuel or precious wood... I just hope I still have a few years to think about it, until it becomes legal... 😁
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Great horned owl this morning. Unfortunately it was gone before I could get a pic. Some of my neighbors are upset because it's a threat to the cats they let out to roam the birdfeeders. I like cats well enough but I figure the great horned owls are the birds' revenge on the pet cats! If the neighbors cared about their pet cats they wouldn't let them outside. They should get a look at the coyotes and bobcats in the area.

He has a gnat.

No way this feller lives through cides, pesti, fungi, homi, sui sui....


A couple showed up last night. Unfortunately abandoned =(

They started wandering down the fence line, and the neighbor's dog ripped a 9" hole in the fence trying to get at them.

Caught them, and they are currently sleeping in a large trashcan while I wait for the warden to call me back...
View attachment 306177

A couple showed up last night. Unfortunately abandoned =(

They started wandering down the fence line, and the neighbor's dog ripped a 9" hole in the fence trying to get at them.

Caught them, and they are currently sleeping in a large trashcan while I wait for the warden to call me back...

Awww, baby Trash Pandas.
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