Weekend fun with shimpaku

crossing wires is my signature trademark :D

I was actually working on this tree at a workshop and wanted to get everything done before the end of the day so I was rushing. Spent more time thinning out tree initially than I wanted to.

I guess I got lucky Joe Harris didn't whack me in the head.

What do you guys suggest for a pot and would you pot this spring or give it a year to recover from the wiring.

I bought this hedge maple from a club member who got it from weetree. I wouldn't be surprised if it came from you guys.
I like it... I think it is coming along very nice.... but what i want to know is.... Why are there straight sections of branch that have little or no movement in them but have wire on them.... use that wire!!! make those branches crooked and gnarly.... this has a lot of potential
Great Shimpaku Job
Nice progression! I too like the second front the best. Would it be possible to maybe drop down the right branch a little further down to create more of a scalene triangle as it seems a little too straight at the bottom? Or you could always bring the left one up a bit. I wasn't really sure when you first styled it, however now I must admit it is looking pretty good. Thanks for the update.
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coming along nicely

Hello buddhamonk... I also commented on your 3 shimpaku thread and I will give you the same compliment I gave you in that thread. This is a very nice tree now. Once again, beautiful movement and very natural looking.....I love this tree....

quick update. Time goes by fast, I had to dig up this thread which was started four years ago. Here's the tree at the local bonsai show last spring around May 2010.


I should give credit to Greg for the picture which he posted on another forum.

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Love it! Really nice job, thanks for sharing.
That tree has changed a lot in four years. Thank you for keeping this thread alive. I think one thing that isn't shown enough in bonsai is how a tree evolves over time.
Looks really nice. I don't think I have seen many junipers in a pot that shallow. Nice work with the root system as well. We always seem to compliment the tree. However, getting a tree's root system to fit in a shallow pot over the course of years is worth complimenting as well.

Great thread, really nice to see the transformation. Beautiful tree. Thanks for sharing.
Looks really nice. I don't think I have seen many junipers in a pot that shallow. Nice work with the root system as well. We always seem to compliment the tree. However, getting a tree's root system to fit in a shallow pot over the course of years is worth complimenting as well.


You're absolutely correct. Keeping shimpakus alive in shallow pots is easy but keeping them healthy is another story...

I'm actually going to start keeping my shimpakus in bigger pots in between "show ready" years. Probably going to get another couple of years before I display this one again. Hard to keep them in display shape all time.
That tree has changed a lot in four years. Thank you for keeping this thread alive. I think one thing that isn't shown enough in bonsai is how a tree evolves over time.

People do not have the patience or memory to follow a thread for years, I am subject to blame as well. However we all seem to carp that we don't see enough progressions on a single tree.
That tree has changed a lot in four years. Thank you for keeping this thread alive. I think one thing that isn't shown enough in bonsai is how a tree evolves over time.

Been 6 years now. First posted in '07. Thanks for keeping us posted. You must have learned a lot in the intervening years.
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