crossing wires is my signature trademark 
I was actually working on this tree at a workshop and wanted to get everything done before the end of the day so I was rushing. Spent more time thinning out tree initially than I wanted to.
I guess I got lucky Joe Harris didn't whack me in the head.
What do you guys suggest for a pot and would you pot this spring or give it a year to recover from the wiring.
I bought this hedge maple from a club member who got it from weetree. I wouldn't be surprised if it came from you guys.

I was actually working on this tree at a workshop and wanted to get everything done before the end of the day so I was rushing. Spent more time thinning out tree initially than I wanted to.
I guess I got lucky Joe Harris didn't whack me in the head.
What do you guys suggest for a pot and would you pot this spring or give it a year to recover from the wiring.
I bought this hedge maple from a club member who got it from weetree. I wouldn't be surprised if it came from you guys.