Marine Bonsologist
Just a notice, the japanese have a very complicated relationship with left-handed people (hidari-kiki or giccho) until very recent times. They actually think it is unpolite to use your left hand and they used to heavily correct children to use only their right hand. It's just in the last two decades or so that being left handed is not as bad as it used to be.
Im not Japanese, but my mother noticed when I was very young that I was leaning toward being left hand dominant.
Knowing the world was mostly right handed, and pretty much everything is made for right handed people, she subtly started to hand me things on my right side to get me to use that hand more. When a bit older, she bought me a left hand glove to play soft ball so I used the right hand to throw.
I don't remember any of this or being "heavily corrected" as she was very careful about it.
It worked as I am right handed now.