I've wanted an oak for a while now. I've tried digging a few from around here but none have survived and the species are no good for bonsai anyway. This water oak became available from Zach at a pretty nice price and I decided to go ahead and get it. He was styling it as a broom but I thought I saw more informal upright in it. Not that I'm anywhere close to Zach's level but you gotta go with your own vision I guess.
Here's the link to Zach's post on it.
I slipped it into this basket, pruned away the branches I didn't want in my design and wired the remaining ones. After I was done it looked like this.

And this is it today. Zach was right that it's a fast grower.

The base is buried right now but it's really good. I can't wait to get that leader thickened and get it into a nice pot to show off the base.
Here's the link to Zach's post on it.
I slipped it into this basket, pruned away the branches I didn't want in my design and wired the remaining ones. After I was done it looked like this.

And this is it today. Zach was right that it's a fast grower.

The base is buried right now but it's really good. I can't wait to get that leader thickened and get it into a nice pot to show off the base.