Als quote"Within less than a 45 minute drive of three quality clubs with a combined attendence of over 90 people, I counted only 3 people from those three clubs that came to the display seminar on Sunday at the Toko Kazari. This by Kathy Shaner for 15.00 bucks. Even when high quality education comes no one attends. How can bonsai progress when TV seems the best option for a Sunday afternoon".(this is a quote)
Al;I respect what you have said or took the time to the to share with people on the internet. I do not have cable or TV. My son is 10 years old and has spent time with Kathy, Jim, Ivan, Bob and many members of the REBS. They have given him there information, teaching, hopes and understanding. My son has taking this with an open heart. I appreciate these people and also you that have shared your time with word's and inspiration. But most of all have you guys have written it down our talked about it.
I ask you this or say this? At this moment Al your supporting American's right to learn and teach. I'm proud to witness this, I'm even more proud that we can do this for $15 bucks. (I'm very disapointed that sometimes the competition is more than the price that it cost to participate.) People don't believe in there teaching.
You have spent time with Boon, Jim, Peter and Kathy... Others feel they are not worthy to step up to this.
OUR clubs respect the one person or two people that will take the challenge on that you and the other participants that you listed. How can they out do there teacher? I was hoping Jim the best of luck, I know him personally and I will be at every one of his classes with my son. I can not say enough for his instruction.
I have seen Kathy set up a show and ask my son his opinion. That made my heart feel good. She is an amazing person!!!
I trust that my son will meet you. I will make this happen as you make your tables in your wood work.
As far as my weekend I was coaching three baseball games this weekend with children and after Jim's email I was wishing I was there seeing his work and supporting Kathy's decision. But I had already made my decision to coach. I know I will have my time to do what you have accomplished, because you have given me a reason to believe I can.
Al I mean no disrespect, I'm influenced by your work as much as Kathy's, Jim's and Boom's. I'm a younger generation with decision's to make.