Toyo Nishiki Clump #1203

I've been easily irritable lately. Bonsai takes me somewhere happier. This is how this former clump looks today. The dead area needs more carving. I'll handle that later.

I'd like to get this basic "broccoli" shape eventually. A little further out of the green outline would be OK too.
2017-12-21 13.06.21.jpg
Fabulous! Getting a great form with some solid, defined branching.:cool:

Get fired up, your makin' a cool bonsai !!!;):D:D:D:D:D

Life is usually a lot of ill-wind...sometimes you gotta' be the earth and the fire to get you higher......I think you know where this is going.......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Kind of went away from being a clump at this time. I shortened branches and halved or removed some leaves.
With flowering quince, I realized I have to watch every other day to get ready for wiring. But nice thing is wires can stay on longer than with Japanese maples. The branches usually don't thicken so fast. On the other hand I do have to clip unwanted suckers and halve large light obstructing leaves constantly. I try to wire thin branches before they lose optimal pliability.
It shed its leaves closer to the trunk instead of at the tips for some reason. There have been skme times where it was a little underwater. I take the ch as nice to take pictures. Can better plan for where to graft branches later.
We shall see what happens. My little root over rock has not bloomed yet. And it's one I've constantly wired. Branches grew weakly, and leaves smaller.
Here's two of the grafts looking good. I haven't pulled back the film on the third one. It didn't leaf out. Maybe no good. One where arrow pointing downward is a graft which I inserted the scion upward instead of the usual downward. It's the first time I tried it. I've seen others have success, but now I finally get to experience it.
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