Timing: When to repot a Juniper?

When mine start doing that what exactly should I pinch on it....
This is one thing iv had a hard time feeling confident with.
No, i just tought you had because the brown tips, i just wanted to say you shouldn't pinch them ;)
One of my Shimpakus, both techniques are utilized. It is a Kishu which tend to be more eaisly managed than the other Shimps.

The concept of plucking which is called pinching by some schools of thought does not leave brown ends commonly reported schools of thought. The concept of plucking the ends of the over extended foliage will not leave brown ends any more than cutting with scissors. Both techniques demand that they be done properly. Plucking/pinching is the process where by the soft ends of the foliage is removed by causing it to be broken and removed at the joints that exist between the scales in the foliage. It takes a bit of finess and some people use too much force to do it or growth the is too old and should be cut with scissors.

If you get a brown ends it is because the growth was too old and it tore as opposed to snapping off as described. Did you ever eat a spear of Asparagus that was too old? It tends to be fibrous and will tear and be hard to chew. A just ripe piece of Asparagus will break cleanly and be nice to chew. If you cut back, obviously with scissors, to a crotch and avoid cutting green growth or, if you cut crotches and joints in the green you will probably not see any brown ends though that does not mean you don't have them, they're just not visible unless you go hunting for them.

Wait wait wait!...

I don't have my pop corn for the 2nd take of 'Pitching or not pitching, that is the question'. The Return.
Also: should I put my 3D glasses?!?!:cool:

So many questions and so few time to answer them...
I repot junipers in late spring to early summer.
For me here in the DFW area my cutoff point is mid April. I went past that once into mid May and the tree really didn't like it. Right now I just have two more to repot and I'll be finished for this year.

I should have known better than to post in this thread the first time.........

I should have known better than to post in this thread the first time.........
No worries, Paradox, I started a whole new thread to discuss juniper pinching! So that we can keep this thread focused on potting timing.

I repot junipers in late winter to early spring. Especially if something drastic like a Half Bare Root repot is being done. I try not to mess with their roots in the heat of the summer.
4 (2 answers) out of 23 posts were on topic. Pretty good.

If you consider....

"Junipers Need Foilage"
"Repot with Healthy foliage"
"Pinching weakens roots"
"Pinching Browns foliage"

This has to do with when to repot too!

I'm just here for answers!
I like this thread!

Timing repotting. Junipers are not that difficult. You can repot early and keep them frost free. You can start in January if you want. It is better for any tree to do a repot just before it starts growing to avoid problems. Mid march to mid april is good here. I watch the foliage, if it starts to elongate it is a day to late...
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