Imperial Masterpiece
Judy is very passionate about bonsai and an amusing name to us may be a bit of an insult to her. My vote is for Sensei Judy.
I started out mixing on english consoles. The company I was part owner in toured with a band called UK (prog rock) and they got us hooked up with Gelf boards. Built by a genius guy by the name of Kenny Fleg. (gelf backwards) Those were my favorites for a while, until Wang Chung started me working with Gambel boards. Funniest thing, we all used to scoff at Yamaha, called them Yamahaha, and now look at them.Judy, awesome , I am an audio engineer as well,
Had the pleasure of mixing on a neve 88 and an ssl in Nashville for 2 years .....AWESOME!!
I don’t do it much anymore though ?
While spending some time with friends on the Cape waaaayyy back in the day, my mother punched a New England Patriots player in the nose and knocked him out (the team was holding a summer camp nearby) after he followed her from a party to the house she was staying at on the beach and forced himself on her... she was known for the rest of the week as The Blue Bitch by the football team at large, a moniker she wore proudly then and now. I don't know... Queen Bitch of the Universe has a nice ring to it.I started out mixing on english consoles. The company I was part owner in toured with a band called UK (prog rock) and they got us hooked up with Gelf boards. Built by a genius guy by the name of Kenny Fleg. (gelf backwards) Those were my favorites for a while, until Wang Chung started me working with Gambel boards. Funniest thing, we all used to scoff at Yamaha, called them Yamahaha, and now look at them.
Whatever you guys wind up with will be nicer than what they called me (jokingly (and lovingly of course) back in my touring days... Queen Bitch of the Universe...
You kinda have to be a badass if you're the only girl working in the mans world.
Queen Bitch of the Universe...
You kinda have to be a badass if you're the only girl
Give your mom a fist bump for me! I hope they called that asshole blue balls for a while...While spending some time with friends on the Cape waaaayyy back in the day, my mother punched a New England Patriots player in the nose and knocked him out (the team was holding a summer camp nearby) after he followed her from a party to the house she was staying at on the beach and forced himself on her... she was known for the rest of the week as The Blue Bitch by the football team at large, a moniker she wore proudly then and now. I don't know... Queen Bitch of the Universe has a nice ring to it.
You are really opening the door for some creative names. Just sayingGive your mom a fist bump for me! I hope they called that asshole blue balls for a while...
While spending some time with friends on the Cape waaaayyy back in the day, my mother punched a New England Patriots player in the nose and knocked him out (the team was holding a summer camp nearby) after he followed her from a party to the house she was staying at on the beach and forced himself on her... she was known for the rest of the week as The Blue Bitch by the football team at large, a moniker she wore proudly then and now. I don't know... Queen Bitch of the Universe has a nice ring to it.
This^^^Deciduous Princess
I'd prefer to be the Queen, and make the Princess's do the laundry.EVERY lady wants to be a princess.
As long as your a prince!!
Aren't the prince and princess siblings??EVERY lady wants to be a princess.
As long as your a prince!!