This technique is not a show off technique, are you familiar with Ebihara of Japan?
Master Show off techniquer?
Of course!
It's amazing....don't get me wrong...
But My school....the one that I actually dwell in....
Does Bonsai to Celebrate Nature.
Further...(uh oh!)
I hate Society and all Its Bitch ass liars and fakers so much that I see a simpler way to care for my Family but alas, this IS NOT a free country, so eventually, my peace would be ruined by the greed of man with his bulldozers and need to sell to another nan what that man already has rather than giving that man the education he needed to turn his lumber into shelter for himself.
You see, people joke about give a man a fish, we speak it all the time.
But no one sees the value in it.
No one gets any of the lessons we read daily. (Meme, meme)
We STILL claim to "love our country" but people do not know how to properly display the flag.
IMO you don't get to love your country unless you stop at night when you see our flag without lights, take it down, fold it properly, amd return it the next day.
I saw a Giant vertical flag displayed backwards once visible through a Giant window in a billion dollar building downtown.
It was corrected the next day, which is good, because I didn't have to double park like a jagoff to go cuss someone out for being a Douchebag, get a ticket, and end up explaining to some judge that if he doesn't let me off, he too, doesn't give a fuck about his country....blah blah blah...
And if I had time to return to the place where I have seen flags, EVERYWHERE without lights at night I would....but I couldn't be a rat in their race if I did, because I would get fired from my job for never showing up on time!
So my 2 options are, Fuck My Country.
Or Fuck my Family.
I do not like being forced into this position but I dont mind it, because it gives me insight into the fact that they do not care about us.
So yeah....
All that just to say....
I prefer no grafts.
I know putting a tree in a pot is unnatural.
I have to accept that I only need to do that inside this society full of people with their heads in their asses who only talk about giving a fuck when in fact they don't.
Sorry...near legit splitsville with the Sorceress for dumb ass reasons and when I go as far out as need to to actually fix the first problem it somehow leads to seeing all this other shit that is fucked up behind some sin....
And fuck religion...not sin as in context of religion....
But context as in how Far we get together as people if we Lie, Cheat , Steal, Hate, etc..
People that don't understand how hurting other people hurts themselves no matter what little they may gain for the short term...
They are Fucking stupid.
Human Fucking Plague.
So what I'm saying is...
Even before Ebihara's method was invented because Something was "broke"...
Something was BROKE!
We wouldn't even need to keep these little trees in pots if we HAD NATURE TO WNJOY AROUND US AS WE SHOULD!
But we broke that shit a long time ago...
And run around the globe raping and pillaging tribes whobare perfrctly happy in their world...
Under an idiotic guise of religion to steal resources....
To introduce them to a world of useless Meme's that are so true yet hold no value because our shit is broke on top of broke on top of broke..
But we aint ready...