The Tree Thread

Nice. How was the rootball quality on the Piñon? I’ve found that the rootball being intact is crucial for piñon collection.
It didn't have many roots to begin with, so not the greatest rootball. Really hoping the tree pulls through though.

Prostrata juniper after clean up
Sabina juniper, just wired. I think I have to rotate it clockwise a little bit to make the second trunk more visible.

View attachment 518907
I’m a fan of wiring junipers most times of the year, but winter is def my least favorite. Next time, I’d consider wiring at the beginning, middle or nearing the end of the growing season. This way, if you get any tears, bark slippage or remove a lot of foliage, the tree has time to regain vigor before shutting down for the winter. If you’d o wire this time of year, best to keep it in a green house or other protected environment.
Sabina juniper
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