The Shohin Tree Thread

Still a ways off but this shelf is turning into my shohin collection, 1 olive and 2 cork bark P Afras. The olive was cut from the top of another tree, and the p afra on the right was cut off the top of the one in the middle (2 trees for the price of one!). The p afra in the middle has a big branch that sticks out of the back that I plan to cut off and make another tree out of.

This was previously a blueberry plant in my yard. It’s still a blueberry plant, but it’s a year later and starting to take shape in a pot as a future bonsai. I have no idea if this will work - I know blueberry is a species that is used, but the basic shaping may need more thought due to how these plants grow. I’m learning as I go!

My first purchase from Wigert's and first "real" bonsai is a green island ficus! While it's in quarantine/recovery, I will be skimming this thread and the shohin subforum to see what the heck I do now (this was an impulse purchase, like most of my other plants).

It's a little hard to see what's happening with the leaves in the way, which I guess is why you might defoliate it to get a better idea.

Finally some green on this lonicera again after it suffered a dry and hot week without sufficient water. Like a weight from my shoulders, glad it's not totally dead.


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Inspired by @Cadillactaste incredible neagari trees I decided to try one for myself. This is one of three Kazan satsuki that I acquired early this spring.

Right after potting into kanuma and a training pot with roots bound in jute twine

Flowering (I just pulled the last couple off)

Post flowering pruning and lifted in the pot for increased root exposure.


Artsy shot for the heck of it

Group put together with some Zelkova cuttings a friend gave me last spring. Unfortunately 2 of them have terrible wire scars from the wires I used to secure them into their plastic pots last spring. I realised really late in the season that I’d forgotten about the wires wrapped around their trunks :(

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