The Final Product (ficus repot)

Looks great. Even though it needs to be cleaned up it captures a tropical forest in its current state. Nice job and good layout.
The group is comprised of nice trees. What were your thoughts when positioning them in the pot? I would have been tempted to put the largest closer to the center, or off-set the two tallest trees away from each other.
Nice grouping, but the pot is too small.
Nice group, John. No reason to be timid when pruning healthy Nerifolia. I bet that you could "un-fuse them" with a saw, reposition them, and they wouldn't skip a beat. Not saying that you should, just that you could.
John I think it looks like a natural stand of trees, in nature the oldest tree would be the biggest and go down from there. The reason is they either would spread from the original trees seeds or from roots so of course the oldest one would have the next oldest near it and the next generation from out there, The layout you have would simulate a tree group where the seeds were blown by the predominant wind fom the direction of the original tree out. I think its a very pleasing group, well done.

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