The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum; Oct 26 - Nov 17, 2019


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Twisted Genius: The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum
Sat, Oct 26 - Nov 17
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
I and other Lenz students and friends will be showing Lenz art at this unique retrospective.
A tribute to Nick Lenz a pioneer in American bonsai art.
Lenz is an artist first and last, not concerning himself much with promotion or politics, he followed his heart to where it led; sometimes to places of stately beauty, sometimes to ironic playgrounds of whimsy. An artist with a colloquial voice, an organic style and a heart too open to become clogged and encumbered with the cultural residue of the confounding art of bonsai.--David Crust
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There was a couple very good posts on FB yesterday from people, lots of photos. Hopefully some here too, looks like all the greatest hits were there! Displayed very nicely as well. Good job for all involved.
I was down there this past weekend giving my last workshop at the arboretum and had a chance to see the exhibit. I thought it was thoughtfully curated, beautifully displayed and overall did justice to Nick's work. What I love about him is his wide creative spectrum. Can design a tree exquisitely within the more traditional bonsai guidelines but can also create pieces that twists and questions the art form itself, its possibilities and makes us think.

I will try and post pics as soon as I am able.
I was down there this past weekend giving my last workshop at the arboretum and had a chance to see the exhibit. I thought it was thoughtfully curated, beautifully displayed and overall did justice to Nick's work. What I love about him is his wide creative spectrum. Can design a tree exquisitely within the more traditional bonsai guidelines but can also create pieces that twists and questions the art form itself, its possibilities and makes us think.

I will try and post pics as soon as I am able.
Yeah. I want to see photos :)
Sharing pics I took this past Sunday. It is worth the trip specially if you don't live too far. Exhibit will be up until Sunday. This is a rare opportunity to see so many of Nick's works assembled together under one roof. Congrats to @Owen Reich, @crust and everyone else that worked so hard and helped make this such a successful retrospective.











That’s is an exhibit I wish I could see. Looks really good, thanx for the pictures!
I really enjoy the juxtaposition of the chosen accents with the trees, such as the wwii tank with the larch... it is an evocative realism which many displays fail to achieve.
I am on my way to DC now, to see the exhibit. Will probably make a few visits. Does anyone know the opening hours and where to go exactly? Notice the total arboretum is fairly large :).

Anybody going there this weekend? Would love to meet up and have a walk around together..
Thanks for letting me see the exhibit through photos even though I’m far away.
Great photos, glad to see the Bear made it there, nice that Owen and Luzia made that happen! The trumpet has long been a favorite of mine, Crust shared that with me long time ago. There are many treasures here, so glad that they are being seen.
I am on my way to DC now, to see the exhibit. Will probably make a few visits. Does anyone know the opening hours and where to go exactly? Notice the total arboretum is fairly large :).

Anybody going there this weekend? Would love to meet up and have a walk around together..
The National Bonsai and Penjing Museum is open from 10 am - 4 pm. It is located near the front entrance to the Arboretum, in back of the main building and offices.

I haven't gotten up there yet. I hope to this weekend, but I may have work to do at home.

The pics are spectacular. Lenz's pots are terrific. I didn't see one of the huge tray with the forest/clear cut paintings on the side. Wonder if the museum still has that one.
I am on my way to DC now, to see the exhibit. Will probably make a few visits. Does anyone know the opening hours and where to go exactly? Notice the total arboretum is fairly large :).

Anybody going there this weekend? Would love to meet up and have a walk around together..

that’s awesome you made it! Have a great time stateside. #leatherback2019bonsaiworldtour
Thanks for the great pictures Sergio! Loved the amazing talent, imagination, and creativity from just one man! I especially liked the Larches. Peter
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