Imperial Masterpiece
Prime Rib 2nd half from the Christmas dinner
Extra heavy on the butter and spices as half won't stick and make au jus sauce anyway. Weigh
cook 500ºF for x number of minutes - (multiply exact weight x 5) = cook time + coast
8.5# or 8 lbs 8 oz = 42 and a half minutes + coast
Do not open oven till after 2 hrs of coasting
Turn oven off and allow to coast for 2 hours uninterrupted. Prime Rib.
Now that shot glass...a LOT of history behind where it comes from
play the video, very clean Toledo Hungarian side of town mentioned
in 6 episodes of M*A*S*H put them on the map so to speak.
Tony Packo's
Tony Packos Pickle and Peppers are World Famous from MASH and Klinger. Located in Toledo Ohio. Or order online today!