Thank you very much...

Been staying at my dad's for the last couple weeks.
A combination of my wife's bipolar and my exhaustion with my wife's bipolar (can't ignore I got my own issues, too) blew up in our faces on our anniversary. Not sure how (or even IF) we're going to sweep up the mess this time, but I guess we'll make it somehow. Kids are more pissed than their parents.

Been staying at my dad's for the last couple weeks.
A combination of my wife's bipolar and my exhaustion with my wife's bipolar (can't ignore I got my own issues, too) blew up in our faces on our anniversary. Not sure how (or even IF) we're going to sweep up the mess this time, but I guess we'll make it somehow. Kids are more pissed than their parents.

So sorry, I hope it works out.
Shouldn't be rambling about personal issues in public, but it's been a long couple weeks. Thanks for putting up with me, all.
I guess we'll make it somehow

Beautiful song, it makes me feel like popping into your house and asay something stupid like "Hi buddy, how's it going?" and share a beer. But I'm thousands of miles away and how could I know, or do anyway. But there's no doubt that a man with such a heart will overcome those bad days...
Free publicity : my story is not the same, but I somehow recognize myself in what he's telling. His father waking up at 4 in the morning to go to work, to make money for his kids.
Delgrès is from Guadeloupe, he sings in créole, "4 Ed Maten" means "4 heures du matin", "4 PM". I remember my Mum and my Dad when they worked on shifts in car factories...

Young people, songs from the 40-50s. I love that, I love to strum it on my guitar ;) :

So sexy, so French 😄
I love Canned Heat. I must find a new record player for my double album "Hooker 'n Heat" (John Lee Hooker + Canned Heat)
Been staying at my dad's for the last couple weeks.
A combination of my wife's bipolar and my exhaustion with my wife's bipolar (can't ignore I got my own issues, too) blew up in our faces on our anniversary. Not sure how (or even IF) we're going to sweep up the mess this time, but I guess we'll make it somehow. Kids are more pissed than their parents.

I am sorry. Marriage takes a lot of work. My 40th anniversary is this year and to be honest sometimes I don't know how we made it through this many years. My parents just celebrated their 71st and my mom tells me they still have issues.
I wish you the best.
I am sorry. Marriage takes a lot of work. My 40th anniversary is this year and to be honest sometimes I don't know how we made it through this many years. My parents just celebrated their 71st and my mom tells me they still have issues.
I wish you the best.
Boy was I in a state when I made that post, and probably inebriated.
Guess I'll throw out an update for those whose morbid curiosity was peaked by it coming up again.

Didn't work out. We made the final call end of August. Not happy with it or proud of it- quite the opposite actually. But when I realized I was able to think clearly again when I wasn't thinking about how to make things work, that was the big hint.
That and her reinforcements of the reasoning behind the decision at least once a week since. 🙄

Anyways, here's my new theme song.
Boy was I in a state when I made that post, and probably inebriated.
Guess I'll throw out an update for those whose morbid curiosity was peaked by it coming up again.

Didn't work out. We made the final call end of August. Not happy with it or proud of it- quite the opposite actually. But when I realized I was able to think clearly again when I wasn't thinking about how to make things work, that was the big hint.
That and her reinforcements of the reasoning behind the decision at least once a week since. 🙄

Anyways, here's my new theme song.
Sorry it didn't work out.
View attachment so beloved niece of some 33 years was lost this year and I'm heartbroken.

Ronnie Spector was another of my favorites, too.......
Lance, I am SO sorry for your loss. It's so damn hard to lose those you love way too soon....She's a beautiful girl, my heart goes out to you.
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