Thank you very much...

I really hate burials.

It was almost funny at the beginning, the priest stumpfnled, coughed on every two words, and the music was really crap. Songs that don't mean a thing anyway.

When my ex-wife, her sisters and brothers said a few words about Eric, then it was not sh*t any more. He was only 51, didn't smoke, or drink, was on holiday and went for a bicycle ride with his kids, you know, the kind of things you really enjoy in the summer, and when back home, bang, first aid didn't save him, his heart stopped forever. That's not fair, really not fair.

I don't know why I'm writing this, probably because I feel so distraught, and lost, and I wanted to be alone tonight, but this is too much to bear when you're on your own, at times it's something I can't bear because I love the ones who are left, and I feel their pain because I love them and also because I know what it's like to loose a sister, or a brother too soon.

Well, life goes on.

And please, don't "pray" for me or anyone else: if there's a "god", I think that she/he has much more important business to deal with. Anyway...

I'm a bad man.

When I die, I won't be here to see it, but I'd take a laugh imagining all the "pinguins" following my coffin and trying to keep the pace :D

That would be fun.

A long time friend, (30 years?) took his own life last week. Pat had traveled extensively across the globe studying martial arts. He had just returned to the area and was in the process of opening his own self-defense studio. Doesn't make much sense.:(

Pat introduced me to a lot of great music and a lot about martial arts and meditative contemplation. Shame what helped me couldn't help him find peace.
He would have been great at bonsai, I think.:cool:

Watch the entire concert....Pat would never let us leave early, even if we were there for the opening act only.:D:D:D:D:D:D

But, hey, when I get up in the morning, there's a tune that keeps me rolling.

Corny, cheesy, whatever you can call it, it makes me start the day with the sun in my mind :cool:

(Chet Atkins and Doc Watson)

Very nice tune, the overall mood reminds me of Irish traditional music. Thanks for sharing Thumbless aka Martin
OK, let's not sink into self-pitying and "I pray for you", and hare krishna om allah shanti uh ahkbar, amen.

Those who are still alive must get around and make this world as happy as can be.

Let's havea laugh from what goes wrong, this real world is the best we'll ever see :cool:

Hmm never seen this thread

I just had this one playing

Im only 28 but its the kind of stuff i like tough !
1972 - 2010
Not even her 4th decade....

Yeah... But I feel like I'm I'm recovering from by bout of depression so next time I'll try to post smthg more cheerful and optimistic.

I'm not even reading the thread about Don. T.: good sign of recovery, isn't it?:confused:
Our new minister of education wants music for the back-to-school day.

I'm thinking of having them sing that to learn English:

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