Texan Bnutters Beryl hurricane check in

Thanks Uncle. Trees and property are fine. Need to redo shade cloth.... it has been more than 24 hrs without electricity... hopefully will have it back today.
Did you have a direct hit near you? Glad overall you are okay. But with the heat of summer...I hope your power is restored soon.
Did you have a direct hit near you? Glad overall you are okay. But with the heat of summer...I hope your power is restored soon.
The eye of a Category 1 hurricane went right over his area. @namnhi is lucky to have so little damage. There were some major damages and fatalities in the area where trees fell on houses and killed the occupants. I believe one Houston police officer drowned in hurricane flood water.
Did you have a direct hit near you? Glad overall you are okay. But with the heat of summer...I hope your power is restored soon.
Yeah, the eye of the hurricane must be right over us as it was so calm at one point. I was outside thinking it was over but the back side of it started again. We still do not have power as of this morning. The neighbors across the street have it since 3 pm yesterday. I and the neighbors on my side of the street are not happy. I don't think we can go on for another night. We were sweating as soon as we walked out of the shower... Two little kids without internet.... not sure how we managed so far.
Am nervous about what a cat 3 or higher will do.... If we have to evacuate.... I think am pretty much have to start over with my bonsai collection.
Beryl made its way up to Michigan and we are getting 5" of rain over the course of 18 hours or so. Obviously low danger compared to what y'all're seeing in TX, but quite a bit of flooding in the area.
Yeah, the eye of the hurricane must be right over us as it was so calm at one point. I was outside thinking it was over but the back side of it started again. We still do not have power as of this morning. The neighbors across the street have it since 3 pm yesterday. I and the neighbors on my side of the street are not happy. I don't think we can go on for another night. We were sweating as soon as we walked out of the shower... Two little kids without internet.... not sure how we managed so far.
Am nervous about what a cat 3 or higher will do.... If we have to evacuate.... I think am pretty much have to start over with my bonsai collection.
Oh dear... the thought of starting over. I can't imagine. I know my neagari crepe myrtle from Vin suffered from a hurricane. It had to recover ...and many he lost. Scary stuff... you've never had a Cat 3 then before? Because you've done the hobby awhile.

I recall being without power over a week. Going on two...when the neighbors across the lake had theirs restored. I recall saying...I wasn't sure about their grass greener...but their side was lit brighter. Hard seeing it so close and being without.
The eye of a Category 1 hurricane went right over his area. @namnhi is lucky to have so little damage. There were some major damages and fatalities in the area where trees fell on houses and killed the occupants. I believe one Houston police officer drowned in hurricane flood water.
Wow... okay. I was in Slidell during 2019 when one came through. Vacationing...

But blast I don't think there were casualties from it. How tragic. Breaks my heart.
Good to hear no trees were hurt.

When will electric cables be put in the ground to solve this constant power-outage problem?
Im all about this. All or almost all new residental construction has in ground power. Replacing the electrical infrastructure for a city of 5 million isn't cheap. We are also much more spread out than you imagine, just an example my nearest gas station is 1 mile away, closest grocery store is 3 miles. And I'm in "the suburbs". The greater Houston area is about 1/3 the size of Belgium. Half the size if you include the extremities affected.

I don't know that the high voltage transmission lines will ever be put underground.
I'm here! Got power back last night. Was out for 60 hours, not bad TBH. Trees all fine. Thanks for checking in.
We are also much more spread out than you imagine, just an example my nearest gas station is 1 mile away
I am 1.3M / 2.1 km from the nearest gas station.

The greater Houston area is about 1/3 the size of Belgium. Half the size if you include the extremities affected.

Not sure what the point is there to be honest..

Belgium surface area 31 k sq km
Greater Houston area 26 k sq km

Belgium population 11,7 M
Greater Houston population 7,2 M

Not al that different population density.
I am 1.3M / 2.1 km from the nearest gas station.

Not sure what the point is there to be honest..

Belgium surface area 31 k sq km
Greater Houston area 26 k sq km

Belgium population 11,7 M
Greater Houston population 7,2 M

Not al that different population density.
My point it that it's a BIG area to retrofit, and that is "why" all the powerlines aren't underground.
The reason why the power grid in Texas is so bad is libertarian attitude by Texas politicians. It is literally the only reason. The rest of the world learned this 3 years ago during the winter storm of 2021 when large parts of Texas had no power for 5 days, and almost for months.
The reason why the power grid in Texas is so bad is libertarian attitude by Texas politicians. It is literally the only reason. The rest of the world learned this 3 years ago during the winter storm of 2021 when large parts of Texas had no power for 5 days, and almost for months.
interesting video. THx.
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