Bald cypress for BNutters in Houston

I thought number 1 is the best of the bunch. Too bad I already have Hulk and Hulk Jr. Also liked the Japanese Maple on the last pic :cool:
#1 is really good and is a big tree in a 30 gal container. It will cost some pretty penny.
I am making a trip to Houston Thursday 4/13. If you are in the area and want a swamp collected BC, PM me. I have anything from large specimen to small.
Wish I lived in Houston! Maybe plan a trip to Portland , Or some day. They have one of the biggest and best clubs in the country and home to many, well known Bonsai folks.
Wish I lived in Houston! Maybe plan a trip to Portland , Or some day. They have one of the biggest and best clubs in the country and home to many, well known Bonsai folks.
In Portland you can get dawn redwood in decent trunk from local nurseries but nothing like bald cypress.
I thought number 1 is the best of the bunch. Too bad I already have Hulk and Hulk Jr. Also liked the Japanese Maple on the last pic :cool:
That was my second choice! Maybe it's the lighting but the fluted ridges don't look as pronounce as #3; hence my picking #3.

People shouldn't be sleeping on this and grab one of these before they're gone!
How about another monster added to the offers for Houston BNutters. If I am to take my truck to H-town, might as well make a good entrance.
PS: This one will be taken out of the pot and the root wrapped. I am not about to lift that big 55 gal drum cut off pot.
I thought number 1 is the best of the bunch. Too bad I already have Hulk and Hulk Jr. Also liked the Japanese Maple on the last pic :cool:
My thoughts as well. Just curious, much you askin for #1?
Sorry for being a bit late Mr. C! Was a pleasure to meat you, and hope to see you again before your big move.

You guys snooze and lose! :p The base and fluting is amazing. Got home and sprayed it down with H2O. You can see the light line going all the way up to the first branch is the ridge. Kinda reminds me of A. Hornbeam muscles. And plenty healthy with a bunch of buds popping. I'm not even sure if something like this can be grown in pots from seedlings. Never seen anything close to this from nurseries.

I'll say this again, don't sleep on this. Who knows when Mr. C can come down to collect more badass BC? Get em while still available.

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Holy moly large base And super amazing taper!

A bit green with envy right now lol

Congrats to @flor1
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