Teach me how to Fish. Azalea

Yes, it correct. but don’t get too hung up on a particular cultivar. Nuccios has a huge demand. Instead figure out the growth habit and type of flower, single, semi double etc. Then call up Nuccios and talk to Jim or Tom (dunno if Julius is still there) and tell them the type cultivars you are looking at. They’ll run down and check then call back with what they have. Be sure to tell them you are in an edgy zone.

Btw Plumb Purty is awesome. Not a Satsuki but it’s a great azalea.

ps If you talk to Jim, tell him John in Bothell, WA said hi! 😎

DSD sends
Nice! thanks.
Yes, it would make sense to find some azalea bonsai image that you kind of what to imitate. Maybe the easiest one would be to actually use the bald long branches that are typical of kurume and work with that.
Additionally, you could show only the base of that trunk, and put a dome of flowers on top of that.

Something with 3 or more stylized foliage pads, typical of larger mature satsuki would be more ambitious.
What do you think of Number 1 & 5 on page 35 of the catalog? I'll look into them some more and see what I like. That downloadable order form says 2018. That's the current one correct?
The new prices are $10 per azalea, I called to confirm pricing. I think I may have ordered #5, I'll have to check. I'm surprised they haven't called me yet, I sent my order in awhile back. @Deep Sea Diver is right, they don't always have everything available but will make suggestions based on what you're looking for. He made the comment to me that "you bonsai people are a strange bunch", lol. I guess we are.
The new prices are $10 per azalea, I called to confirm pricing. I think I may have ordered #5, I'll have to check. I'm surprised they haven't called me yet, I sent my order in awhile back. @Deep Sea Diver is right, they don't always have everything available but will make suggestions based on what you're looking for. He made the comment to me that "you bonsai people are a strange bunch", lol. I guess we are.
I'd be surprised if they don't treat you like Norm from Cheers when you call. Carol 83! ;)
Reading more about Nuccios & was wondering.... how do you know the one you order is in stock? And you send a paper check? How do they refund if you write a check and the azalea is out of stock? Also, do they come in a pot or bare rooted? ( I read the website but that part was confusing me)
Lot's of good info DSD (if I can call you that) I'm only a quarter a way through Vol2 of Principles of Bonsai Design, but I'll make a point to finish it off by Spring. In the meantime my primordial noobness will be in full effect. Bummer I won't see all the pretty flowers but if it'll help in the long run then I'm good with that. :)

1. What do you mean by cartwheels? The crisscrossing branches?
2. I have cut paste & some Tanqueray. I'll look into getting some Top Gin.
3. Got it. Design is what I've been thinking about & continue to think about. It's one of the tougher things for my brain to do. I need to draw it out on paper, & finish reading De Groot.
4. No problem here. Good advice
5. GT 33 is pretty much what the nursery was doing it was in the hoop house. The temps differ that much because it's in a pot? The tag says 0-10F.
6. Good advice and I'll cross that bridge when I reach it. :) I did see a lot of bnuts using that soil mix in the contest thread.
7. So let the few I have left bloom before removal to concentrate energy into the tree?
8. Sounds good. TY

Most replies said not to wait and I'm fine with that. When should I chop early spring or can I do it sooner?
@Deep Sea Diver would you mind answering questions 1, & 5 in the above post? I was numbering my responses to your numbered advice. No, hurry I'm just wondering. Do you have a link for the "Top Gin" you mentioned? I googled it and saw a bunch of booze.
I guess this would be the place to ask- how does one deal with dieback along the trunk in azaleas? My azalea got on through the winter OK, save for a section (<15%) of the trunk, running vertically, from a winter wound down to the roots
1. What do you mean by cartwheels? The crisscrossing branches?
Multiple branches emanating from the same location. Looks like a cartwheel when viewed from above. Form at a flower site. 😉
This photo of a cutting shows a side view of a first year cartwheel forming at the former flower site. The guide is wire one to the side and one up…and to remove the rest. I use these others for cuttings. The up branch continues the trunk line.


2. I have cut paste & some Tanqueray. I'll look into getting some Top Gin.

This is an example of why spell check can ruin one’s communications 🤣! Much as I like the idea of using gin, I wouldn’t use the top shelf gin on an azalea.!
Its actually called Top Jin😉

5. GT 33 is pretty much what the nursery was doing it was in the hoop house. The temps differ that much because it's in a pot? The tag says 0-10F.
Count on losing one zone out of the ground minimum pot dependent and more once you injure the azalea by pruning.

DSD sends
Last edited:
I guess this would be the place to ask- how does one deal with dieback along the trunk in azaleas? My azalea got on through the winter OK, save for a section (<15%) of the trunk, running vertically, from a winter wound down to the roots
You’ll really have to post good photos… and a decent description of what to look at.

Actually this question would best be posted on a thread of its own to get the best results for you. Try it you’ll like it!

DSD sends
Multiple branches emanating from the same location. Looks like a cartwheel when viewed from above. Form at a flower site. 😉
This photo of a cutting shows a side view of a first year cartwheel forming at the former flower site. The guide is wire one to the side and one up. The up branch continues the trunk line.

View attachment 475928

This is an example of why spell check can ruin one’s communications 🤣! Much as I like the idea of using gin, I wouldn’t use the top shelf gin on an azalea.!
Its actually called Top Jin😉

View attachment 475929

Count on losing one zone out of the ground minimum pot dependent and more once you injure the azalea by pruning.

DSD sends
You the Man DSD! Thanks.
Reading more about Nuccios & was wondering.... how do you know the one you order is in stock? And you send a paper check? How do they refund if you write a check and the azalea is out of stock? Also, do they come in a pot or bare rooted? ( I read the website but that part was confusing me)
If they aren't in stock they will call you and suggest an alternative. Yes, a paper check, they are old school. After they ship they will send you an invoice for the shipping. Last year mine came with the rootballs in a plastic bag and I had to search frantically for pots in March. I requested this year to be sent in nursery pots. They can only send 6 in a box.
Getting new azaleas from Nuccio, check this video:

Yeah, their stocklist is not up to date at all.

However, if they can supply it, consider getting Juko, Nikko, Chinzan, Yata no Kagami and Kogetsu.
Page 35 is their own satsuki hybrids. Of those, only Blue Moon seems to have gotten some traction outside of their own nursery.
Not sure what kind of plants they are. But it makes sense that they do better as landscape plants in Cal than the Japanese bonsai varieties that start on page 38.
Getting new azaleas from Nuccio, check this video:

Yeah, their stocklist is not up to date at all.

However, if they can supply it, consider getting Juko, Nikko, Chinzan, Yata no Kagami and Kogetsu.
Page 35 is their own satsuki hybrids. Of those, only Blue Moon seems to have gotten some traction outside of their own nursery.
Not sure what kind of plants they are. But it makes sense that they do better as landscape plants in Cal than the Japanese bonsai varieties that start on page 38.
Thank you for sharing, I really enjoyed it! I didn't get to watch quite all of it, because of stupid work but loved what I got to see.
OhI forgot….

One other Kurume I really like Nuccios often stocks is called Orchid star.

Both Plum Purty and Orchid Star are outstanding for smaller bonsai. They often come as natural clumps.

A beautiful compact habit satsuki, also naturally clump like is KAZAN (sometimes called Rukisan in the US). All have beautiful long lasting flowers if treated properly and make excellent bonsai for new folks.

DSD sends
Getting new azaleas from Nuccio, check this video:

Yeah, their stocklist is not up to date at all.

However, if they can supply it, consider getting Juko, Nikko, Chinzan, Yata no Kagami and Kogetsu.
Page 35 is their own satsuki hybrids. Of those, only Blue Moon seems to have gotten some traction outside of their own nursery.
Not sure what kind of plants they are. But it makes sense that they do better as landscape plants in Cal than the Japanese bonsai varieties that start on page 38.
Very nice thank you! That catalog is pretty big and if you don't know what your looking for it's even more intimidating.
OhI forgot….

One other Kurume I really like Nuccios often stocks is called Orchid star.

Both Plum Purty and Orchid Star are outstanding for smaller bonsai. They often come as natural clumps.

A beautiful compact habit satsuki, also naturally clump like is KAZAN (sometimes called Rukisan in the US). All have beautiful long lasting flowers if treated properly and make excellent bonsai for new folks.

DSD sends
Think I'll give Nuccios a shot now that I know what to look for. Very helpful thanks again. :)
Getting new azaleas from Nuccio, check this video:

Yeah, their stocklist is not up to date at all.

However, if they can supply it, consider getting Juko, Nikko, Chinzan, Yata no Kagami and Kogetsu.
Page 35 is their own satsuki hybrids. Of those, only Blue Moon seems to have gotten some traction outside of their own nursery.
Not sure what kind of plants they are. But it makes sense that they do better as landscape plants in Cal than the Japanese bonsai varieties that start on page 38.
Just watched the video and we have plans to travel to CA in late May/early June. Hitting SD, Yosemite, then Santa Monica/LA area & I notice this huge nursery is in ALTADENA, CA. Drive isn't to far from LA. Thinking of telling the wife we going out to Nuccios for Italian food and low and behold my bad it's a nursery. :)
@Deep Sea Diver @Glaucus I spent a few hours going over the Nuccio's catalog and using this resource & this database to see all the growth habits and hardiness. A few of the species mentioned in this thread had the * by them meaning N/A

I've narrowed my list down to these four. Based on foliage, flower, & noobness.

1. SHIRYU-NO-HOMARE —Purple. Medium, single with pointed and narrow spider petals. Unusual slender, twisted, dark green foliage (Rinpu). L-VL
2. KAZAN —This is a true dwarf. Very slow, tight, compact growth. The small, glossy, dark green foliage The small flower is salmon with five very noticeable, very dark anthers.
3. NUCCIO'S PLUM PURTY—Compact growth. Small hose-in-hose, purple. (Can someone tell me what hose-in-hose is? I'm not googling that. )
4. CHOJUHO —A most unusual Azalea. Blossoms first come out red then age to orange, then light green, and finally light brown, and remain so until winter. (-20F on this one.)

That's it. Just four murders, although I could get 2 Kazan & 2 Plum Purty so I meet the silly six in a box rational. According to @Carol 83 that's the way to go. :)

Should I call now to check availability or wait till my weather warms up? I don't want to miss out on getting them, and will they hold my order for 3 weeks or more?
Also anyone reading this is not allowed to buy those until I do. :p
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