Neagari Gal
I have been feeding high P all year. But can't grasp the fault one can get from feeding high P and K. Since the five I know aren't seeing any ill effects. One 30 years success. Just wasn't able to locate a brand prior to my purchase. My minds not find fault in ones finding success doing such and seeing great results with their own wisteria bonsai. I'm curious if it just helps water intake and such. Overall healthy tree plus racemes is my desires. I don't mean to offend ones...but I can't see the benefits of research of marijuana when I can follow what others with wisteria bonsai are doing. Even if it makes no rhyme or reason...coh said:Darlene,
There are certainly plenty of backwoods marijuana growers who don't know much about the science of growing plants. If you live in a relatively warm area (including Ohio), it's pretty easy to just plant marijuana seeds in the garden and get robust, healthy plants. Yes, I did this back in my college days so I'm speaking from experience.
But, nowadays there are many who have developed very advanced techniques of marijuana growing, mostly indoors, using lights, and either potted in largely soil-less media (like bonsai) or using hydroponic techniques. Those are the people whose opinions I would seek out, and they can be found all over the internet. Many forums are devoted to this topic. And since they are interested in producing buds...just as you are...there is probably something to be learned there.
Anyway, regarding the wisteria...I don't have any wisteria bonsai at this time, but many members of the local club grow them (and bloom them) successfully, including Bill V. He is having an open house next weekend and I'll try to remember to ask about how he fertilizes them. I know he uses the high P fertilizer (like 10-50-10 or something similar) but I can't remember ever seeing any of the high K fertilizers at his place.
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