stewartia monadelpha - in development


Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I was fortunate enough to nab some great stock from the cedar rose stewartia class of '24. will be posting updates as I go since relatively few of these are documented on this forum, compared to other more popular deciduous species.

fresh out of the box (packed very well, only a few tiny twigs snapped during shipping)

preparing the pot: deep chinese production with a mound of aoki blend (80% akadama, 18% kiryu pumice, and 2% fuji suna lava)


after combing out the outer roots, I left a bit of perlite-heavy (?) soil near the center. chalk it up to inexperience but I was too timid to completely bare-root given all the advice not to bare-root some deciduous species, and into the pot it went. while choosing the front, I thought the first image had balanced side branching, but the trunkline felt a little static. so I opted for a more graceful leaning front. this will be subject to change and am open on suggestions here


nothing like some sweet iced tea on a rainy repotting night after work. here it is balancing precariously for a glamour photo:


and that's it for now. the tree will sit on a shaded southern-facing balcony before transitioning to full virginia sun, and will receive some biogold fertilizer in a few weeks or so. I'm leaning toward just leaving it alone to grow this season, though I'm itching to wire/do some minor pruning (yes/no?). the eventual goal is a show-worthy tree. it'll be another 3-4 years minimum to develop this into a minimal viable product on those lines. I'd like any and all advice from folks familiar with this species - is this a sound plan? any errant steps made already?
So far, so good. I’d be marking some branches to prune in May after the first flush starts to harden off. It will respond with more growth.
I like it - for me I would be chopping the long trunk about here - but I'm not sure what plans you have for the tree but a nice score for sure!

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So this is where they all went! I waited a day too late for #17...🤣
I’d be marking some branches to prune in May after the first flush starts to harden off. It will respond with more growth.
When removing branches, do you cut flush to the trunk or leave a stub to be removed later?
summer update:

this tree put on a lot of growth come April. I did some structural pruning in early May, lopping off the big branch coming out at a right angle, and setting some of the bigger branches - as well as choosing a better front and cutting the crown of the tree down to size. I decided that a taller, more slender image was better suited to this tree than trying to force it into a sumo-type design.

fast forward to July. it responded well, as a lot more growth came out, and I decided a second prune was in order. here it is before:


and after. leaving the apex alone to fill out and thicken, I wired some of the remaining lower branches to shape and manuevered two rather stubborn and inflexible branches down with guy wires. I also reduced the leaf size of some of the foliage to let light through to new inner shoots. the silhouette is now starting to materialize:


filling out the apex, building inner ramification, and improving the nebari is the schedule for next season. it’s already got a decent flare at the base and a couple well-placed roots- I’ll need to approach graft a couple of seedlings.
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