Starting a Red and Black Mangrove Bonsai/Reef Thing.


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I've always love and thought mangrove were some of the coolest tree species. Plus I love the ocean and all the cool little critters that are found there. So I figured I combine Bonsai/mangrove and reef keeping all into one. The main focus will be the mangroves and the reef second. I plan on having a mud flat thing for the black mangroves and a reef area for the red mangroves - They will be grown completely by Kessil Tuna sun LED's(no blue or purple light for me lol). This is a little different and I've never done tropical's before, so should be a learning thing all around. This is the render I build and the top tank will be black mangroves and the bottom and for red mangroves.


Stand part 1

Stand part 2

Not to bad!
Screenshot 2024-04-16 083237.png
I also have red and black mangroves on order - so that should be interesting too
I also have red and black mangroves on order - so that should be interesting too
I like where you are going with this. I’ve always loved the mangrove trees in reef systems. I’m guessing you are competent in keeping saltwater already?
I like where you are going with this. I’ve always loved the mangrove trees in reef systems. I’m guessing you are competent in keeping saltwater already?

Yeah I use to keep a few reef tanks years ago and got the itch again but wanted a more bonsai aspect to it
I love it! I kept 8 mangroves that I grew from seed for years. How they met their end is a tragic story for another time. This looks like a very cool project. But best of luck to you.
Call it reefsai

I love it! I kept 8 mangroves that I grew from seed for years. How they met their end is a tragic story for another time. This looks like a very cool project. But best of luck to you.

OH no! I use to have some really old mangroves too that met their end due to a weird reason. Thank you!

I tried something similar decades ago, but absolutely hated the look of a reef tank with mangroves in it. It just looked so unnatural and out-of-place.

I would have loved a mangrove-only tank, but I had to pick one, and reef won. To this day I still debate starting a mangrove-only. Maybe a nano…but it’s so much more time/effort/money lol.

Sculpting the tree is one thing, but you need to have good-looking roots as well! Never got to that point.


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I tried something similar decades ago, but absolutely hated the look of a reef tank with mangroves in it. It just looked so unnatural and out-of-place.

I would have loved a mangrove-only tank, but I had to pick one, and reef won. To this day I still debate starting a mangrove-only. Maybe a nano…but it’s so much more time/effort/money lol.

Sculpting the tree is one thing, but you need to have good-looking roots as well! Never got to that point.
Yeah it's a lot of work and $$ to get started but I just finished everything so I should have it going in the next couple weeks, I hope.
Also interested in how you are going to plumb these two tanks. Is the bottom one a sump for the top one? Or are you going to put them both to a sump in the stand?
Also interested in how you are going to plumb these two tanks. Is the bottom one a sump for the top one? Or are you going to put them both to a sump in the stand?
Top one will have no filtration - pure biological and water changes - bottom tank will have two canister filters on it, I just drilled the holes for the second canister filter

Cool idea.
Look forward to seeing updates on how you do with this project
Top one will have no filtration - pure biological and water changes - bottom tank will have two canister filters on it, I just drilled the holes for the second canister filter

Yah I was thinking you don’t need too much filtration, depending on what else you put in it.

Man…now I’m researching setting one up again…good job lol…

Are you doing both in saltwater?
I am think of doing a freshwater red mangrove tank.
I try make the mini-ecosystem as close to nature as possible (but no fish as mine will be probably only 20gal). I know there’s a few common freshwater CuC that live in mangroves in nature like ghost shrimp. Saltwater I think there’s small red snails, but they evolved to live out of the water because of the tides. I don’t want snails leaving the tank and crawling everywhere.

Have you decided on what else you are going to add? If anything?
Yah I was thinking you don’t need too much filtration, depending on what else you put in it.

Man…now I’m researching setting one up again…good job lol…

Are you doing both in saltwater?
I am think of doing a freshwater red mangrove tank.
I try make the mini-ecosystem as close to nature as possible (but no fish as mine will be probably only 20gal). I know there’s a few common freshwater CuC that live in mangroves in nature like ghost shrimp. Saltwater I think there’s small red snails, but they evolved to live out of the water because of the tides. I don’t want snails leaving the tank and crawling everywhere.

Have you decided on what else you are going to add? If anything?

Top black mangrove tank will be brackish and have fiddler and mangrove crabs and maybe some snails and shrimp - bottom with be full salt and a small mantis shrimp will be the main inhabitant with macro algae and a couple fish
Top black mangrove tank will be brackish and have fiddler and mangrove crabs and maybe some snails and shrimp - bottom with be full salt and a small mantis shrimp will be the main inhabitant with macro algae and a couple fish

Heh that’s like a predator tank, but the prey is your fingers.
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